WoW, I just got a bullet in my head reading this!

Anxiety — the only word in the dictionary that makes you anxious reading “it”…

“he felt a surge of anxiety”

Palms lost its grip and became sweaty. The heartbeat was unusual. If I close my eyes it felt like the world was revolving around me faster than usual. Head was heavy, hands were light as a feather. The vision was shaky while walking and it felt like I was drunk. The headache was unimaginably strong and it seems like blood pressure shot up. Can’t close my eyes nor keep focusing. Felt as if I was standing in the middle of a volcano 🌋 and a tsunami 🏝️ wave.

this is an example of an anxiety attack.

So how can you cure anxiety permanently?

I have helped “friends” come out off “it” by getting into “it”, hence could feel the beat & heat better now. The trick in killing “it” was simple but to perform “it” wasn’t.

Formal Anxiety = fear of failure + what others could think about you + not taking an action on time.

The only pill to cure “it” could be — to make your confidant fight “it” for you.


PS: These #amazing blog posts on:-

8 Effective Ways to Fight Anxiety Without Drugs – Healthline

How to Fight Anxiety Without Medication – Pzizz

Natural Anxiety Relief: 7 Ways to Treat Anxiety Without…

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