Content is King SEO his Queen
Tea Time Reads!

Can content be a “single”💍 king?

Before we read, let us just re-spell it as c”O”ntent and not c”U”ntent. The correct sound while speaking should be as ‘O’ and not ‘U’!

I do not want you to change your perspective about – content. But think this for a moment. What if you wrote an amazing article post on your blog in 2018 and hardly anyone knew about it except for your friends as usual?

Then what if your article could upgrade somebody else’s life?

What if you missed that ‘bus‘ wherein — maybe ‘that‘ someone who would have read your article post might have hired you as the Head of Content for his/er company?

This is why I am against content being the king all alone.

Doesn’t he need a “Queen” like all other kings? 

Then who is his Queen👑?

Well, that’s correct, it’s none other than “SEO”!

She is his queen for sure, without the queen a king cannot win, not even in a chess game, true?

This is why just like the King and Queen – a mix of SEO and Content Writing is the best option to ensure you would not miss that bus nor train or even that flight. Almost everyone is in the race to get on the first page of Google search that too on the top three list at least. Else you are less noticeable otherwise!

And like always if you are not on the front page then you are on that graveyard, where only very few visits on special occasions.

Hence even if you simply write and publish a yet-to-be-viral, King Content without SEO ‘ing(Queen) the content in such a fashion that the robots find your post/page on a jiffy while crawling through the WWW to show the results to that fantastic audience, where that somebody might get you to the next level of ranking beyond the search engines.

If your end result is influencing a customer to buy your product/service. Then your content is the only way to persuade them to click that call-to-action-button to convert into a sale. 

But this is possible only if your content is shown to the correct audience, right? 

And SEO can do that magic here. I have seen people publish out-of-the-world King content but fail to optimise (Queen SEO) it as per the search engines checklist.

No audience will ram into your content just like that. It has to be shown to them when they type in those keywords in the search engines. Hence, only if the search engines can interpret your content it would exhibit it to your audience. So you do not want the spiders/crawlers to miss your content. 

How can you optimize an article so that the robots scan it?

#1] Find A will-read, eye-hooking & emotional-atyachar Title for your article to lure the audience. 

If you crack this half of your worry is settled here. 

Use support tools like – SEOPressor Blog Title GeneratorShareThrough Headline AnalyzerHubSpot’s Blog Ideas GeneratorPortent’s Content Idea GeneratorTweak Your Biz and more learning, plus the local SEO tagging via Google My Business platform.

Don’t forget this – 3 Powerful Tools to Choose the Right Blog Topic Which You Probably Didn’t Know!

#2] Audience Keywords – how to know the most searched keywords.

Think like your audience, even you are one too, right?

You are also a consumer, so wear their shoes and start thinking from that point-O-view. If you are going to buy a product/service what keywords would you type on the google search or bing search or maybe where will you go first searching for other than those malls. What short or long keywords are generally used by people who surf the world wide web to find a specific product/service.

Use support tools like – GoogleTrendsKeywordTool.ioWordStream and more.

Don’t forget this – Never stuff too many keywords in your content, but try to use it effectively!

#3] Write a good piece of Meta Description, don’t just scribble!

As this is what the reader would understand after checking out your title as to what you have to offer for them in short. It is like a tiny summary of what the audience could achieve by clicking into your link. Now ain’t that serious?

Don’t forget this – You are writing content for your audience first and only second for the search engine. Hence do not be too curious about the meta description, but make it simple to read and understand!

#4] Give priority to add internal links first only with the relevant stuff, and then focus on getting external backlinks from the trustworthy websites again only with relevant classic interesting content.

When I say internal links – it should be other shielding content from your same website. Hope you got that?

And external links – well you got that, don’t you? {else let me know in the comments below for a happy backlink}

Don’t forget this – Any backlink you add must and should be trustworthy and have authentic read-worthy content!

#5] An image that would speak about your content and catch the readers attention should be one highlight of your article.

Research says that an article with an image would get 70% more click than one without. Well, I am sure you clicked into this blog post by seeing the feature image, right? {Let me know otherwise, I would love to change it right away}

Don’t forget this – Never use an image with copyright, there is a heck lot of free images available on the web. Tag your keyword as the ALT text, resize the image for clarity and visibility.

#6] Can your content be read on the mobile phone?

Latest trends reveal that the audience is mostly consuming content via a mobile platform. So is your content/website mobile responsive else AMP it, else you would lose traffic.

Don’t forget this – Your content must be readable from any platform – Desktop/laptop, tablet, mobile and even on the TV! Hope you got what I meant? 

#7] SSL certification, Reading time, Author details and Call-to-action?

Do ensure that your content is safe for the visitors by double-checking if your website is SSL certified. Let know the audience about the estimated time required to read your article, this would ensure they stick around for some time at least. 

Don’t forget this – Why do you write amazing content to attract those bees into your domain, duh? End the read with the next step of action the reader should consider. Whether to buy your product/service or just even to subscribe to your newsletter for future sales. This is one of the best lead generation technique I have bumped into so far. Yes, that’s what digital marketing is all about, what’s your catch?

Just to let you know, I experimented content optimisation for search engines with a lot of plugins to see if it actually works, to check if the “most talked about” SEO Content Writing was real!

Hence narrowed into the below brain freezing list and bang 💥I got stars⭐ in my eyes🤩.


can seriously boost you with the math to rank your content up there even with the free version.

RankMath SEO Plugin
RankMath SEO Plugin

The best part is their easy to use interface. Extremely easy, even a baby could play it! There is also an option to add more than one set of focused keywords with crucial support on the schema markup, unlike the free version of Yoast plugin. And comes the ultimate part, their Co-Founder – Bhanu Ahluwalia replies to your emails, now ain’t that cool?

#2) YOAST — 

can really toast your content and cook it up as the best breakfast for the crawlers.

Yoast SEO Plugin
Yoast SEO Plugin

But I found it a bit difficult to use when it comes to tagging the focused keywords as it doesn’t allow long-tail keywords {Guess only the Pro Version would allow this}. Am working on this to find out more if it actually missed something in between. But then this plugin is much heavier in size with a better user-friendly readability check, unlike RankMath.


can juggle your content into an SEO garnished pudding in 20 minutes. Yes, you heard it that’s all it takes!

SmarCrawl SEO Plugin
SmarCrawl SEO Plugin

This plugin also allows you to integrate your stuff with the MOZ SEO tools, unlike Yoast or RankMath moreover especially the former throws in an error notification on WordPress “stating to remove other installed SEO plugins“, ain’t that cute?  

The Conclusion ‘Returns’ – 

So if content is the king then SEO is unquestionably the queen.

Don’t forget this – Try using one of the plugins mentioned above and learn to optimise your content into Robot readable format after it is human appealing.

Would love to discover your thoughts from the </comments>🔊 section!

PS: #mustreads on <King> Content Writing & SEO </Queen> collage

The Ultimate Guide To Content Creation Strategy by Sharmeen

A Deep Dive into Know-That-Basics of SEO by SVN Prasad

Must-Know: Tips to Become a Pro in Content Writing by Divya Subramanian

Get ‘High’ With SEO – At Page Rankings by Rashmi Nambiar

Kick Starting A Banking Career
Tea Time Reads!

Are you searching for an opportunity to kick-start a career in banking… seriously? 

Hold on, Wait, read this first before you kick-start a thought!

Back in 2007, getting a job or starting a career in the banking industry was easier. You really think so?

Well, not really, it was as tough as today’s competition was, and even better in the sense that 6 out of 10 parents wanted their children to get into a bank. Why?

Because of job security, low-pressure job…. and “pension” that is if your fate lands you into a career in public sector bank.

That was really a myth then, now, and in the future.

          After the launch of NPS(National Pension Scheme), it has become the government’s responsibility to pay pension. I hope that strongly happens!

Well, don’t worry opportunities are always looking GREEN on the other side.

Before you think about the psychological and emotional factors of riding a banking career here are 7 “X” factors that I want you to know about before making the check move — 


1) Did you think – this Job was easy to get? 

True from one angle, as a career in banking is an easy catch for a fresher with good financial knowledge and decent inter-personal skills. Even if the former isn’t that good, still a fresher can crack the interview almost smoothly. But the absolute truth is that an abnormal recruiter also analyzes your stress handling ability and most importantly your communication skills. 

A banker should be an amazing listner, who could solve a customer’s problem and in turn crack revenue at the end of their conversation.


2) Are you doing this because you think this is the safest career available at present?

Okay, am not going to scare you. But I have seen people getting pink-slips because of their negligence while executing financial transactions, ignorant of the latest bank policies, insensible client interactions as more. 

Hence you have major two risks involved in the banking career:— 

#a) Financial and 

#b) Legal

You need sharp eyes, big ears, a sensitive nose, a brave tongue, and a strategic brain to survive. Else your ride wouldn’t be memorable!

3) Did you choose – this career because your peer applied for this?

Your peers are just like you, yet to be professionals, so don’t run the same way they do. Try walking a path of your own!

4) Did you choose – this job because it is the only opportunity you got in a campus selection?

Well, that’s a coincidence!

Most of the banks started liking this mode of cost-effective recruitment, blame the highly paid HR lodestones for this. I agree that an HR Manager is the main person of recruiting a candidate in their company, but trust me they are not the best people when it comes to explaining a job role to you.

Now listen very carefully — do perform well in the interview with the HR manager, but don’t trust them completely. If the demand is high and the cost of hiring a candidate is attained for the said job role. Then ‘run’ you are their prey now! Do a re-check about your job role, how? 

Easy, use a professional networking channel like the ‘linkedIn’ to revalidate your job role and ready to get stunned!

5) Have you ever gone to a bank?

It’s important to know your new neighborhood before buying a house there – is an old saying. But nearly effective, do visit a bank where your parents have an account and get ready for some mind-blowing truths. I assume you figured out why I said this…

6) Open an account with a bank first! 

Get your account in the most popular but the nearest bank in your area. “Know your prayers better for the right purpose” — proverb would suite better here. Doing this will give you a general awareness of what ‘banking’ is!

And finally, my favorite —

7) Did your parents/teacher/mentor who are non-bankers advise you?

I thought that as much, this is the most popular question I get from banking aspirants, people like you who are at times driven by one PowerPoint, an idol, or even a mentor in front of you. Absolutely, nothing wrong in listening to them, but what if you could get some feedback from someone who has “been-there”. Yeah, you guessed it right – a banker himself. 

And here is your surprise am that person who would love to listen and speak to you more. 

Yes, I am that ‘you’ 13 years backward in time. I am an “unexpected banker” by profession! Been there and done all that…

When I stepped into your “banking career”… 

There were only two choices — 

A public sector bank or A private sector bank.

Into Retail Banking Operations or Into Retail Banking Sales…

Sounds like some weird job at a retail store 😂 right?

Close, but not that yet!

Retail Banking – is nothing but your daily banking business to the general public. Simple!

And the basic job roles available in a bank branch unlike then are:-

From Operations Point-Of-View in a flagship branch office!

#1] Branch Operations Manager

#2] Teller – Cashier

#3] Customer Service Executive

#4] Lobby Manager

#5] Teller – Transactions Initiator

#6] Teller – Transaction Authoriser

#7] Outward Cheque Clearing Executive

#8] Inward Cheque Clearing Executive

#9] Phone Banking Officer

#10] Mobile Banking Activation Officer

#11] NetBanking Activation Officer

#12] Audit Officer

#13] Bank Statements Executive

#14] Forex Transaction Executive

#15] Trade Transaction Executive

#16] KYC and Accounts Opening Specialist

#17] Welcome Kit Custodian

#18] Locker Key Custodians

#19] Term and Fixed Deposit Specialist

#20] Customer Complaints and Grievance Redressal Specialist.

From Sales Point-Of-View in a flagship branch office!

#1] Branch Sales Manager

#2] Branch Head

#3] Savings Accounts Acquisition Executive

#4] Current Account Acquisition Executive

#5] Relationship Manager

#6] Account Activation Officer

#7] Trade Product Sales Manager

#8] Forex Product Sales Manager

#9] Cash Management System Sales Manager

#10] NRI Account Acquisition Executive

#11] Wealth Relationship Manager

#12] Wealth Advisor

#13] Insurance Advisor

Are some of the most core and crucial job roles available in retail banking apart from the other significant segments ahead. 

Since you have read this far I am convinced that you have understood the gist of the job roles mentioned above.

Now it’s your turn!

If you think this was a valuable 🥧 of information and want to share it with your friend in the same shoes — I won’t stop you from doing it!

But if you think this read was just the “tip of some iceberg” and want to know more about — “Banking Jobs and Where to Find them?”

Just scroll down a bit and fill-in your details in the FORM SHEET and you could get an E-Book about that HOT topic mentioned above absolutely FREE as soon as I launch it…

That’s right — For free, as I want you to earn this time!


The Unexpected Banker.

PS: Do check (find-your-personality) and (find-your-career-path) and (encyclopedia-of-digital-marketing) for more knowledge inflows.

PDS: Check out my “best-blog-post” on Here is 27 must check courses and career paths!

Top 27 careers to chase after BCom in India
Tea Time Reads!

Here is 27 must check top careers after Bcom in India!

Before we start a disclaimer* I do not consult for or on behalf of or have any direct tie-ups with educational institution/university/college/society, nor am I an authorised career guide/coach. This post has been made with my 14years+ of experience in the financial industry and real life facts/analysis that I figured out from real life mentors/friends/relatives/colleagues, hence to support these facts I have tagged some very interesting external links/affiliate ads banners for additional reference/guide. This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions represented in this blog are personal and belong solely to the blog owner and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. None of the authors, contributors, administrators, vandals, or anyone else connected with, in any way whatsoever, can be responsible for your use of the information contained in or linked from these web pages. [The author] assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this site. The information contained in this site is provided on an "as is" basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or timeliness. Request you to note and not misunderstand the content/objective of this post, and I would be really happy to delete any content, that is, if someone states/proves that there is irrelevant/sensitive promotional content/information in this post,thank you for your time,this read will help you when the days turn against you!

Well, coming back to the headline: The Top Careers After BCom in India, that I had encountered sometime in the past. Luckily, I took the advice of a few experienced sensible souls around me, hence this post might be helpful.

Unfortunately, if you are having sleepless nights in India especially answering people around as to what careers you were planning to do after completing a Bcom (Bachelor of Commerce) degree, don’t worry you are not alone. I have been in that trance too!

????10 years back BCom was called “Below Common Sense”. Funny, seriously? 

That’s no joke man, its 3 years of cramming and achieving a beginner status. Bcom (being still a bachelor and on the way up to get married) truly is a step-up on the ladder hierarchy of the world’s highest-paying careers at least in India. More than the person who has completed the Bcom degree, it’s usually the people around him/her who are always curious to know what they are planning to do after Bcom? What career was he/she going to choose after BCom?

Well, before spotting options, what any BCom grad must know is – what is that you want ahead, obviously high salary, a mansion, a sports car, access to high profile clubs & so on…right?

So now you have 2 options – get all the fantasy mentioned above by loving what you do or still get all stated above by cribbing/sobbing/hating what you do!

Just listen to your beat and follow your heart first on this; don’t jump into any conclusions yet.

This is getting hotter so lets read on…

????We are in 2020 a testing time and living with a pandemic still unknown to mankind, every day is a “hope of prayers that someone would find a cure soon”. Am sure you would have seen the viral news about people getting into the rat race of “up-skilling” and that, surprisingly even the topmost universities you have ever dreamt of getting an admission, has come up with paid and free online courses, live classes, workshops, certifications and even internships which one could finish at your own peace and pace.

This is all the pandemic effect, wherein even education is at a risk of survival.

Let’s face it: The fact is a majority of the employers are less looking for applicants from top universities, with high degrees but are looking for resources who have the ability/required skills/experience to scale up their business from day Zero because of the cost concern. So how do you fit into this?

Let’s do this, ready?

????First, follow the two options written in blue above first, and then here are some dark tips to decode and identify your routeway after

a)     Step Zero: Before deciding to take up any course/certification program, find out what the job role it leads to next, salary, job responsibilities, working hours, growth ahead, global exposure, and most importantly what the network is like.

b)     Step One: Once you have rounded off and decided what career/course to pursue. Wait! Check for reviews about the course/certification, the institution/university credentials, faculty profile and you will be happy to see people’s ratings on your course as the best in industry and their success stories after completing that specific course you were planning for. Stop, take my advice on this – “be double careful before going ahead”. So now, how do you re-check the credentials or validity of their reviews?

Simple – use social media to track down those people and the faculty who has given high votes/great reviews on your course and get ready to be stunned.

c)      Step Two: Finally, try to connect and find people who have completed or are pursuing the course that you have decided to pursue using social media platforms. This would give you a genuine understanding of what you can really achieve.

Top Rankers [CPA] IN

????So, here you go with the list of top careers after BCom in India.

1.        Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Everyone’s personal favorite topic, try not to opt for a general plain MBA or a specialization directly, rather do an MBA that covers/gives you exposure to maximum topics across industries. This is truly a one-jump ticket into the banking industry. Just like the one mentioned below here.

Check out an MBA with global exposure and the highest fee waiver if you use this unique referral code – ANTO585

2.        Chartered Accountancy (CA).

This course should be noted as demand/supply patience testing time. But the outcome of this course is that you have options overloaded – start a firm solely,  partner with other CA firms, Consulting, advisor, get into big firms and wow!

3.        Company Secretary.

Most of them ignore this course as its again patience-testing like CA and the opportunities are similar to a CA. In fact, the difference is that this course has more to do with setting up a company/LLP firm.

4.        Master of Commerce (M.Com)

Haven’t heard anyone talking about this course since 2009 as its almost history, because this is an upgraded version of BCom, the job roles here are limited to little.

5.        Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)

It is stated as the highest level of international legal and regulatory recognition of finance-related qualifications. The Chartered Financial Analyst Program is a PG professional qualification offered internationally by the American-based CFA Institute to investment and financial professionals. This has a global recognition when compared to CA and is considered as the gold standard of professional credentials in the global investment community so far.

Lenovo India [CPS] IN

6.        Business Accounting and Taxation.

Buy the name itself this program is intensive and designed by Industry experts with a focus to help anyone become an Industry-ready accounting professional. It only requires a logical mind and a bit wide knowledge about accounting & latest taxation process if you follow and like accounting practice. 

7.        Certified Management Accountant.

This is globally recognized with a special object on corporate finance and management accounting. Certified Management Accountant is again a professional certification in management accounting and financial management fields. The certification states that the person possesses knowledge in the areas of financial planning, fin analysis, fin control, have the ability for decision support and has professional ethics in this regard.

8.        Certified Public Accounting.

Certified Public Accountant is a qualification in accounting again globally. It is parallel to the chartered accountant profession in India. In the US, the CPA is a license to provide accounting services to anyone.

Menakart Many GEOs

9.   Certified Financial Risk Manager.

The name speaks for itself, the job roles available are:-

  • Enterprise Risk Management.
  • Financial Risk Analyst/ Manager.
  • Investment Banking.
  • Stock Trading.
  • Wealth Management.
  • Investment Officer/ Asset Manager.
  • Corporate Compliance.
  • Audit.
10.      Integrated Financial Resource Management.

Stated as a framework to actively manage the “core” financial resources of capital, liquidity, revenues, costs and risks all at the same time. And is a rapidly growing profile in the banking industry, find out more?

11.      Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)

This is a professional membership body for chartered certified accountants globally any BCom grad could shoot at. This qualification is a membership requirement, that specific Ex-Big Corporate companies or MNC’s ask for working in accountancy related roles globally.

Some relevant job roles available are:-

  •              Auditor-Internal
  •              Accountant Forensic
  •              Officer-Compliance
  •              Chief Financial Officer
  •              Business Analyst
  •              Adviser Business Hack
  •              Risk Manager
  •              Treasurer
  •              Financial Analyst
12.      Certified Financial Planner (CFP).

This is an amazing profession and gives you the freedom of choice again just like CA does. The difference is you will be an authorised financial planner/advisor for individuals or large corporate. But this certification has a global value.

13.  Certificate in Investment Banking.

This is an expert and advanced level course in the path of investment banking. WW

14.  Bachelor of Education (B.Ed)/ Teaching/Trainer/Soft Skills Training at corporate channels/Social Work.

B.Ed, short for Bachelor of Education, is an undergraduate programme that one can pursue if he/she has a passion for teaching. It is a 2-year long programme that includes theoretical sessions as well as practical sessions in simulated and real-life classrooms. Completion of a bachelors programme in any stream is a prerequisite for applying for a B.Ed programme.

After completing B.Ed successfully, one can apply for teaching jobs in schools or work online on teaching platforms. It is to be noted that B.Ed gives the eligibility to teach high school students and not college students.  In order to teach college students, one must have completed M.Ed after B.ed and successfully passed the NET exam. This makes a person eligible for teaching B.Ed subjects in Teacher Training colleges.

Udacity [CPS] WW

15.  Learn Digital Marketing (Use referral code – ANTO585)

My favourite subject to click on and a bang on career after BCom especially in India. The simple definition like everyone says would be this is marketing digitally. Well but this profession is amazing as you learn more, explore more and discover more when you dive deeper. There are a million courses out there to get you job-ready but beware of less beneficial courses. Take free introduction courses by exploring the web, yet the correct way to learn it is by joining an internship for sure. To this, there are humongous opportunities like:-

  • Digital Marketing Manager/Specialist/Executive
  • Search Engine Optimizer
  • Digital Project Manager
  • Content Marketing Manager
  • Social Media Marketing Specialist
  • Paid Per Click Ads Expert
  • SEO Content Writer
  • Web Site Developer
  • Graphic Designer
  • Infograms Expert
  • UI/UX expert

And the best of all make your entry as a blogger and into the world of ecommerce. Very happening isn’t it?

16.   Financial Modelling.

Financial modelling is an architectural skill to build a mirage of a real-world financial scenario. This sounds like a math model constructed to represent the performance of a financial asset or portfolio of a business/company, real-time project, or any other financial investment.

17.  SAP.

This is nothing but an enterprise resource planning system software and the world’s leading provider of business software solutions and data processing platform. SAP is the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) backbone & lifeline system that enables to integrate all the existing modules in an organisation. It is a hybrid cloud model that can be induced into connecting any organisational structure across any industry.

Some the job profile variants that can be looked into are:-

  • SD-SAP (Sales and Distribution)
  • WM-SAP (Warehouse Management)
  • QM-SAP (Quality Management)
  • LIS-SAP (Logistics Information System)
  • HR-SAP (Human Resources)
  • Treasury Integration via SAP
  • SAP for Banking/Insurance
  • SAP for Ecommerce
  • CRM SAP (Customer Relationship Management)
  • SAP FICO (Financial Accounting and Controlling)
18. Logistics, Inventory, Warehousing and Supply Chain Management.

This supports big time in the world of eCommerce and end to end B2B, B2C deals.

19. Project Management/Project Management.

Another very interesting versatile, brainstorming, self-challenging, rapid growing, high risk, high pay, high profile and very realistically highly responsible role. Why so it’s in the name itself, well here the pathway is tough but very fruitful.

20. Chartered Wealth Manager.

This is a professional designation issued by the Global Academy of Finance and Management (GAFM). The certification is intended to state that the holder is qualified to advise, evaluate, analyse and has in-depth knowledge about the wealth-generating products in the investments world.

21. Business Analyst.

Business analytics is the process of collecting, sorting, processing, and studying raw business data, and using statistical models, graphs to prove and project insights if a process or a method can give optimum results for any business.

book24 RU

22. Advertising Courses. (get out of here & don’t even think about this as Google & FB Ads are the next thing in advertising learn the know-how via digital Marketing)

23. PG/PGDM/Diploma in Banking And Financial Services.

Well, this is a piece of add-on information in the banking sector, but a fresher can still apply after completing Bcom without further qualification via public recruitment tests/interviews in the banking industry as there are loads of options for newcomers.

24. Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Salesforce CRM & Cloud Computing Professional.

25. FreeLancer for more free time.

This is an amazing 100% satisfactory No boss job/career, you might struggle a lot in the beginning years, well who doesn’t?

There is a universe of options in freelancing, even your hobby can be converted into a high paying profession, eg: photography, language teaching, soft-skills training, painting/drawing, service assistant, Consulting/advisory, etc…

26. Data Science/Data Analytics. (Use referral code – ANTO585)

In the first place, this is an exotic way of pulling out knowledge and insights from structural and raw unstructured via scientific methods, complex processes, algorithms, math tools and systems. Data science connects to data mining, machine learning and big data.


Am a diehard fan of this, try building up an online store, sell products or services – digitally or physical goods. Drop-shipping, Affiliate or Discover a high demand yielding product and promote selling it. Ride, Earn, and Party Life…

Figure out “the you-inside-you” first before jumping into all this!

TALENT + PASSION = Profession? Entrepreneurship?

Watch this space for more information on certain careers after BCom in India, as I haven’t completed this much yet, because of a conflict in content. But I believe this would help you a small step ahead.

In the mean time check out some kick-ass Online Courses on Data Science, Digital Marketing, Product Management, Software Development or Business Management in this – Link (Use referral code – ANTO585) for high fee waivers.

To every B Com grad out there “Remember the power is yours”

Capt. Planet

PS: Do check out my yet-to-be-viral post on –

7 Urgent Situations To Investigate Before Kick-Starting Your Banking Career!

So then please don’t wait!

Just HIT that “star” button above below and let us know your “feelings” about the top careers after BCom in India!

One mark changed my life kickoff life boy's voyage
Tea Time Reads!

Chapter Zero: Kick-Off, Life.

She grabbed hard on to the bed. It was getting worse, she had lost some fluid. She was crushing her roots. Only she could be heard. She cried out to her God infinite times.

She had a promise to keep. And it was going to be real any time now.

She waited, but restlessness was in her veins.

She felt like an ice cube and burning coal concomitantly. But still, she had a promise to keep. The clock wasn’t ticking, the air wasn’t known and the light wasn’t seen. Breakfast and lunch weren’t heard.

At 3:42 pm her promise was received, there he heard a kick-off to life.

This explosive couple gets blessed with an Aries star-studded baby boy. The mother of the child had made a promise in the presence of God, that she would name him after a saint, and so she did. The boy was gifted like any other boy could have, special powers? 

Naah, he was not a mutant nor from cyber-Tron. He was blessed, that he could see through people, that is only if they wanted him to see through them, but was a bad listener though. Mostly the people whom he met especially women eternally had a soft corner for him only because of the fact that, he was amazingly artistic at solving their obstacles not just with a solution, but further with a plan in defeating their mayhem forever and progress in life slaying it. 

He had a point -"if you had got everything you ask and wish for then this place shouldn't be called EARTH but HEAVEN", true right?

“I vouch on my stars on this….if you think you can then you can’t, if you decide you can then maybe you could, but if you realize you can then you must give it a Jump…. We often wait for opportunities, ask people for career advice. But how many of us will dare to jump off that cliff and learn to fly as we fall? lol, Well he did and still doing it almost day after day & hour after hour!”

From My BLOG Verse 27:07

Year else-where and time no-where, the boy at the age of 5 realized something called “emotions”. This happened when he saw his mother who was never a homemaker, but an extremely occupied Ph.D. Professor at a university who had mastered the skill of juggling time – in an hour with time making lunch, cleaning the house, bathing the kids, making them eat, correcting her students’ exam papers all in trance. And at this scene, he experienced vibes in his body that he couldn’t understand; he felt bad, broken, heavy, and eyes moist. He wanted to help, but couldn’t.

Are all mothers the same, working their life off without expecting anything in return? 
They do deserve more, after all this is the vicious circle of life. That very day he decided and took a vow that happiness would be his priority, well not his happiness readers, but the happiness of the people around him at-least!

Moving ahead, the boy’s childhood was otherwise fantastic. He lived in a city where there were no molesters around since life was more transparent then. He had at least 100 friends around. This boy played gully cricket mostly and was a big fan of Mohd. Azharuddin and Ajay Jadeja. He thought that this was the only outdoor game the world has. It was the age when box TV was a trend and LED nor internet was nowhere close in his memory. Those picked up late.

One day he decided to explore a sports channel, and for the 1st time in life, thunderstruck in his brain. He saw a short guy among all the 6-foot guys dunk a ball, bigger than a cricket ball into a round basket with net around and attached to a 10-foot post.

Damn, what was that? For a split sec, he couldn’t understand. And then this guy in the TV did it again, but this time jumping off from a real distance flying without wings. Boom readers, that was Mr Michael Jordan, the god of the game – basketball, Wow.

There weren’t many options to play basketball in those days except at school. So he couldn’t do much, but get very little exposure to this game. The boy was heavily excited and wanted to explore more in life…..

I Am Tired – Really Exhausted

Tea Time Reads!

It’s almost the next day now, started working yesterday at 6 am!

Feeling tired.

I am so drained.

I just want to crash.

But a voice in me.

A burning sensation in me.

A craving in me.

Says that “I should not stop”, I will not dare stop and I can’t stop now.

I know I am reaching there. I am almost there; I know it, and I can feel it. I am preparing myself for the big game.

And when luck strikes again I should be prepared to take that shot.

I failed to make or finish a lot of shots. But I will not fail to take that shot.

If I don’t try for my own victory, then who else will try for me?

People think that I am a workaholic, nah – that’s fine, till it’s my war.

But I think that I should be realistically sensible as I haven’t reached there yet.

None knows my goals.

None understands my goals and why should they anyway?

I have always told my goals to the wrong people in the room. So I don’t do that anymore.

A workaholic is a character.

And I am that character when am working.

What else should one be, when working?

If I think about my family while working and think about work while am with family then I will never have any focus on what am trying to achieve.

Who am I?

Spiderman, Batman or Minnal Murali?

Well am all that, am everyone mentioned there!

Am a Spiderman at work.

Am a Batman to & with my family.

And am Minnal Murali to my friends.

Only if I am them can I be myself!

My goals change every year, last year it was X and after I achieved it became Y. The chase is always on.

Without a goal what is life all about?

You need something to chase, right?

A wise kid once told me – “when playing football if there is no need to score a goal, then there won’t be a Ronaldo nor a Messi”.

Yes, after writing this I am no longer tired, weak nor exhausted!


kochaamma teacher

My Karmali Teacher aka Kochaamma

Tea Time Reads!

It feels like I have lost a good part of me when I lost you (29.09.2023)

Everything I stood for in life, and every good deed I have done so far is all that I have learned from you – my teacher!

You taught me the meaning of kindness.

You taught me to treat my enemies like my friends.

You taught me to talk in the right tone to people.

You taught me to control my anger in unfortunate situations.

You taught me how to respect people even when they disrespected me.

You taught me to laugh when people tried to humiliate me.

You taught me that food shouldn’t be wasted, as there is another you out there in hunger.

You taught me to always dress up well for any occasion outside the home.

You taught me how to make models and toys with clay.

You took care of me like a son when my parents were away for work.

I have called you amma a million times silently that you never heard, as it came out from my soul.

I know for a fact that it was you, who was behind me like a shadow, all these years praying that I never fall into the wrong group of people or do wrong things to people.

You always had a choice, but you still drained your time to help me grow into whatever I am now.

I never in my dreams thought, I would lose you the last time I saw you a couple of weeks back.

They say time will heal this, but I know that nothing other than my death itself can heal me from your loss.

Today feels heavy, I am unable to focus at times.

I think about you, and I think about you when I am alone in a time-loop.

I am unfortunately not able to imagine that you are gone.

Carrying your coffin the other day in the heavy rain felt like I was carrying my life away. Each step was difficult and heavy as I didn’t want to make it. I wanted to believe that it wasn’t you (teacher) inside that coffin.

Your loss will always be a big empty space in my life.

I am not able to cry out loud.

I am really not able to cry out loud, I tried a million times.

I am seriously not able to cry out loud at all, but I want to.

I feel so frozen when I think about you now.

Tears stand frozen too.

— My teacher, I am inconsolable…

my new super curvy dangerous Hot Girlfriend
Tea Time Reads!

I found a new hot girlfriend!

Yeah, you heard it right.

We have both gone through a rough patch in life till now.

At times it’s complicated, we broke up ‘X’ many times, but damn we are so into each other by midnight.

She haunts me daily, Gives me sleepless nights, and drains out my last adrenaline.

AWV 27:07

Sometimes we go into long-distance relationships with each other living apart and away for weeks, and we often take breaks. But finally, we end up together. 

She later

Stalks me

Irritates me

Shadows me

Pisses me off

But at the same time she loves me to the core, we have quickies, one-night stands, and pack-ups.

We partied, and attended boring workshops, fight nights, and wrong travels… but always together.

I can’t tame nor stop her, but I can always count on her to be by my side.

My hot girlfriend gives me more ####’s than I do…

She takes a lot #### from me eventually.

Wierd opportunities, amazing coincidences, and stressful situations have all happened all because of her.

But you know what!

I must admit that I cannot live without her. It’s because of her that I am still pulling on.

She knocked me onto the bed really bad once. And I stayed there for about a week and finally woke up realizing what I must actually be doing in life.

And this is what happened later –

She made me realize what I want in life.

She gave me my Calling.

She drove me through my battle.

She showed me the path.

She pulled me out of pain.

She helped me fight my fear.

I found myself because of her.

She made me do all this for 10 years just to prove myself that – “Dude, stop using me like a #### and start knowing me, start listening to me, have patience with me”.

I know her better now, my relationship with her since January 2020 has simply been mind-blowing.

Am so damn grateful to God for her.

And after all this she made me write this crap about her!

I call her TIME and she’s been with me right from my mother’s womb!

Oh, what did you think?

Whom did you think I was talking about?

TiMe – get committed to her, try to understand her better.

Find a better relationship with TIME, or else she will definitely take you for a ride soon.

So Who is your new hot girlfriend?

my new super curvy dangerous Hot Girlfriend
struggling to find my passion
Tea Time Reads!


If you ask me – why do you travel 4hrs everyday to work and crash like a dead log on weekends.

The answer is = passion!

I chose something out of a wild interest. Then tried to nurture it into a profession.

Well you need cash to survive, right?

Finally when I figured out sales and marketing is what I love connecting with.

I just realised that I have been not trying to understand my passion before. Or maybe wasn’t allowing passion to find me first before that deadline. Maybe I was ignorant of my situation. And I was just going with someone’s flow. I was just present there in time at that moment. I didn’t have a vision nor a mission, well it’s not important though. But what is really important is to understand and figure out that ‘you are in this moment because you chose to and not because you are forced to’.

If you need an alarm clock to take you to work daily, then trust me I guess you must re-think about what’s happening with you now.

I was blind at times when my colleagues quit their 9-5 jobs and did something like freelancing and start-ups. Some even quit a fancy wealthy profession and joined a kindergarten school or an NGO.

Well my mother always says – “You will KNOW it only when You DO it”.

And now I exactly know what she was talking about.

I just did the same!

All this while I thought that, I was chasing PASSION, but yesterday in my thought process. I figured out that it’s actually the other way around. Passion was chasing me, trying to find me before.

Just think back with me now. Go back to your childhood then come back here – are you able to see it?

Your passion had already found you somewhere in the past – but No, you were too busy to realise that “she” found you.

You never gave HER time, you never asked why SHE found you, you didn’t even ask HER, who SHE was!

The Japanese saying goes — “The best time to DO IT was 10 years back, but the second best time to DO IT is NOW”.

If you just reached reading till here, then I want to tell you that I started giving HER more time now. Yeah, we finally got together and figured out that WRITING is also my PASSION!


So, are you going to at least talk to HER tonight?

adwaith an element
Tea Time Reads!


The chosen one, who chose me!

You came into my life with a hurricane of love and a whirlpool of laughter.

No day, No date, and No time. I don’t understand any of these when am with you.

You are teaching me how to live, how to be a better father.

I missed you for a whole year.

You have the answers to all my questions.

You talk right into my heart and look right into my soul.

I don’t know if you are a part of me or the other way around.

You are a butterfly of kindness.

“Ju” is what I call you!

From Verese 27:07

You are a mirror to me.

My question about 'tough times' was resolved in a line that you once told me - "the days against us".

When the days are against you, an amazing fantabulous thing happens — you change!

You sync into the situation.

Because if you give up when ‘the days are against you’ — you will seriously lose an opportunity to upgrade and change for the better.

When you stop the world around you also stop.

When you stop my time too stops.

When you stop even the chance of becoming someone, doing something better, or even becoming that change stops.

To my rainmaker, firewalker, soultoucher, heartmelter — I have no expectation about you like the other fathers have about their sons.

But I believe and hope that YOU have a vision, a mission, a goal. It’s totally up to you. 

I will shadow you till you find your battle.

Hence I make no promises to break no promises. I came with one mission and will leave with another. It never ends till I accomplish my vision.

Stop criticizing this world!

Instead, you must promise yourself that you become ‘that change’ you want to see in this world. 

Always remember — chasing two rabbits is fine, but not knowing the reason for chasing them is not worth the chase.

Time is with you, am with you, your mother will always be with you.

Find friends who are searching for you & not your money nor power.

Find love that is behind you and not ahead of you.


And am still listening — what’s your chase?


the eyes that saved me
Tea Time Reads!

She stormed into my life…

Taught me kindness.

Made me a better man.

The learning has been daily ever since.

She stole my eyes, Framed my heart, connected my brain cells, softened my language, trained my hands to rise only for a good cause, consoled my legs not to kick bad news.

She deleted the anger I never could control in life. I guess I get angry very easily otherwise.

I miss her every time I think of that year when she was away from me.

I always claim that am the best, my career is on the bull run, it’s growing massively, maybe not salary-wise but exposure-wise. I hustle every day and at times lose but win mostly. I feel unstoppable!

But when am with her, am just —

That kid who had millions of dreams.

That kid who only knew happiness.

That kid who had many crushes & girlfriends.

That kid who gets hit by thunderbolts.

That kid who wanted to kick like batman, have Lazer eyes like superman, swing off like spiderman, be a part of the TMNT, collect more G.I Joe toys, race like the F&F team, be an avenger, wear cool t-shirts and worn-out jeans, rap like Eminem, dance like Mike, play basketball like Jordan.

When they said that I can’t

When they said that I won’t

When they said that I don’t

She said I will…


Do you have someone who helped you drift through life?

Stop Not Until You See That Sign
Tea Time Reads!

Don’t stop!

Don’t stop now!

Don’t stop now nor never!

Don’t stop now nor never until!

Hold on, it’s a hustle anyways!

Why stop now, & miss that goal!

It’s just this close!

I can smell it, it is just this close.

The world might turn against you!

Friends, family and foe might turn against you because of reasons.

Remember they don’t hate you, maybe not!

It’s just that situation, it’s just that moment, it’s just that time. They forget whatever you did, whatever you want, whatever you are striving for, whatever you are trying to win, whatever you are struggling to show them… But let them never forget your name.

Don’t change the world, rather be that change the world needs!

When the days are against you, don’t forget to laugh it off; Because when you laugh those days will be for you!

“Neeyilengil nyan onnu aagillayirunnu,
Neeyundenna urappanu ennu evidem vareyum ethichathu,
Neeyundengile eniku enne thanney thirichariyan patukayollu,
Neeyanendey oorjam, neeyanendey thanal, neeyanendey samayam”


So, tell me something you want to do?

I guess happiness is seeking you
Tea Time Reads!

I guess happiness is seeking you!

I am chasing my dream only because of you…

I don’t want to close my eyes, I never want to close my eyes, I will not close my eyes until I miss you.

It’s because of you that my dreams have always come true. I don’t know how to thank you. I don’t know what to do in return. Maybe this is destiny but I like to call it a “gift”.

Since you gave me adrenaline of love I can never stop trying, I can never stop running, I can never give up without a war.

And because of you, I understood that —

If you are running behind happiness, just look behind, happiness is just following you.

I know what is happening at your end, am not being ignorant. Maybe by June, everything will be set for us. Am working on that for sure, rest assured!

I set time for myself even without knowing if time has set a time for me in the first place.

I set goals for myself, even without knowing if those goals are really looking for me.

I move forward thinking that I am moving forward — it can even be backwards.

I think about targets without knowing if those targets are actually thinking about me.

I look up to the stars looking for my lost ones without thinking about the fact that they are really looking at me from up there.

I always believe that there is only one shot without even noticing if that shot is for me.

I go head-on without checking my tail.


So tell me, are you seeking that happiness?

The Days Against You
Tea Time Reads!

This day might be against you!

Why, lol no one knows. It just happens.

At times people might be against you.

At times even time.

At times situations.

At times system.

And at times even you might turn against you.

Break that thought now. It is of no use. Because when you feel that the days are against you. Look again it is actually you who is against yourself.

Everything is in your hands when the day is tough, push your self tougher.

Row against the tide. Ride against the wind. The destination is what you are aiming at. And it is just between you and yourself standing at the destination.

Look again now — the days are not against you, it’s just you and yourself…


So, are the days against you?

Be The Arrow
Tea Time Reads!

They put an arrow here!

An arrow can take life and give one, can it?

Be like an arrow!

Fly on, keep flying till you hit the target🎯. Fly through the wind, the birds might try to knock you down. And at times even you might hit another target. May even not hit one!

If everything was easy then there wouldn’t be a target in the first place. Then why do you need a target?

There is a target that is why there is an arrow, to this, there must be an Archer and his bow🏹 … hence there is an arrow.


So, what are you?

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