Are you searching for an opportunity to kick-start a career in banking… seriously? 

Hold on, Wait, read this first before you kick-start a thought!

Back in 2007, getting a job or starting a career in the banking industry was easier. You really think so?

Well, not really, it was as tough as today’s competition was, and even better in the sense that 6 out of 10 parents wanted their children to get into a bank. Why?

Because of job security, low-pressure job…. and “pension” that is if your fate lands you into a career in public sector bank.

That was really a myth then, now, and in the future.

          After the launch of NPS(National Pension Scheme), it has become the government’s responsibility to pay pension. I hope that strongly happens!

Well, don’t worry opportunities are always looking GREEN on the other side.

Before you think about the psychological and emotional factors of riding a banking career here are 7 “X” factors that I want you to know about before making the check move — 


1) Did you think – this Job was easy to get? 

True from one angle, as a career in banking is an easy catch for a fresher with good financial knowledge and decent inter-personal skills. Even if the former isn’t that good, still a fresher can crack the interview almost smoothly. But the absolute truth is that an abnormal recruiter also analyzes your stress handling ability and most importantly your communication skills. 

A banker should be an amazing listner, who could solve a customer’s problem and in turn crack revenue at the end of their conversation.


2) Are you doing this because you think this is the safest career available at present?

Okay, am not going to scare you. But I have seen people getting pink-slips because of their negligence while executing financial transactions, ignorant of the latest bank policies, insensible client interactions as more. 

Hence you have major two risks involved in the banking career:— 

#a) Financial and 

#b) Legal

You need sharp eyes, big ears, a sensitive nose, a brave tongue, and a strategic brain to survive. Else your ride wouldn’t be memorable!

3) Did you choose – this career because your peer applied for this?

Your peers are just like you, yet to be professionals, so don’t run the same way they do. Try walking a path of your own!

4) Did you choose – this job because it is the only opportunity you got in a campus selection?

Well, that’s a coincidence!

Most of the banks started liking this mode of cost-effective recruitment, blame the highly paid HR lodestones for this. I agree that an HR Manager is the main person of recruiting a candidate in their company, but trust me they are not the best people when it comes to explaining a job role to you.

Now listen very carefully — do perform well in the interview with the HR manager, but don’t trust them completely. If the demand is high and the cost of hiring a candidate is attained for the said job role. Then ‘run’ you are their prey now! Do a re-check about your job role, how? 

Easy, use a professional networking channel like the ‘linkedIn’ to revalidate your job role and ready to get stunned!

5) Have you ever gone to a bank?

It’s important to know your new neighborhood before buying a house there – is an old saying. But nearly effective, do visit a bank where your parents have an account and get ready for some mind-blowing truths. I assume you figured out why I said this…

6) Open an account with a bank first! 

Get your account in the most popular but the nearest bank in your area. “Know your prayers better for the right purpose” — proverb would suite better here. Doing this will give you a general awareness of what ‘banking’ is!

And finally, my favorite —

7) Did your parents/teacher/mentor who are non-bankers advise you?

I thought that as much, this is the most popular question I get from banking aspirants, people like you who are at times driven by one PowerPoint, an idol, or even a mentor in front of you. Absolutely, nothing wrong in listening to them, but what if you could get some feedback from someone who has “been-there”. Yeah, you guessed it right – a banker himself. 

And here is your surprise am that person who would love to listen and speak to you more. 

Yes, I am that ‘you’ 13 years backward in time. I am an “unexpected banker” by profession! Been there and done all that…

When I stepped into your “banking career”… 

There were only two choices — 

A public sector bank or A private sector bank.

Into Retail Banking Operations or Into Retail Banking Sales…

Sounds like some weird job at a retail store 😂 right?

Close, but not that yet!

Retail Banking – is nothing but your daily banking business to the general public. Simple!

And the basic job roles available in a bank branch unlike then are:-

From Operations Point-Of-View in a flagship branch office!

#1] Branch Operations Manager

#2] Teller – Cashier

#3] Customer Service Executive

#4] Lobby Manager

#5] Teller – Transactions Initiator

#6] Teller – Transaction Authoriser

#7] Outward Cheque Clearing Executive

#8] Inward Cheque Clearing Executive

#9] Phone Banking Officer

#10] Mobile Banking Activation Officer

#11] NetBanking Activation Officer

#12] Audit Officer

#13] Bank Statements Executive

#14] Forex Transaction Executive

#15] Trade Transaction Executive

#16] KYC and Accounts Opening Specialist

#17] Welcome Kit Custodian

#18] Locker Key Custodians

#19] Term and Fixed Deposit Specialist

#20] Customer Complaints and Grievance Redressal Specialist.

From Sales Point-Of-View in a flagship branch office!

#1] Branch Sales Manager

#2] Branch Head

#3] Savings Accounts Acquisition Executive

#4] Current Account Acquisition Executive

#5] Relationship Manager

#6] Account Activation Officer

#7] Trade Product Sales Manager

#8] Forex Product Sales Manager

#9] Cash Management System Sales Manager

#10] NRI Account Acquisition Executive

#11] Wealth Relationship Manager

#12] Wealth Advisor

#13] Insurance Advisor

Are some of the most core and crucial job roles available in retail banking apart from the other significant segments ahead. 

Since you have read this far I am convinced that you have understood the gist of the job roles mentioned above.

Now it’s your turn!

If you think this was a valuable 🥧 of information and want to share it with your friend in the same shoes — I won’t stop you from doing it!

But if you think this read was just the “tip of some iceberg” and want to know more about — “Banking Jobs and Where to Find them?”

Just scroll down a bit and fill-in your details in the FORM SHEET and you could get an E-Book about that HOT topic mentioned above absolutely FREE as soon as I launch it…

That’s right — For free, as I want you to earn this time!


The Unexpected Banker.

PS: Do check (find-your-personality) and (find-your-career-path) and (encyclopedia-of-digital-marketing) for more knowledge inflows.

PDS: Check out my “best-blog-post” on Here is 27 must check courses and career paths!

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