The Days Against You
Tea Time Reads!

This day might be against you!

Why, lol no one knows. It just happens.

At times people might be against you.

At times even time.

At times situations.

At times system.

And at times even you might turn against you.

Break that thought now. It is of no use. Because when you feel that the days are against you. Look again it is actually you who is against yourself.

Everything is in your hands when the day is tough, push your self tougher.

Row against the tide. Ride against the wind. The destination is what you are aiming at. And it is just between you and yourself standing at the destination.

Look again now — the days are not against you, it’s just you and yourself…


So, are the days against you?

Be The Arrow
Tea Time Reads!

They put an arrow here!

An arr-ow can take life and give one, can it?

Be like an arrow!

Fly on, keep flying till you hit the target🎯.

Fly through the wind, the birds might try to knock you down.

And at times even you might hit another target. May even not hit one!

If everything was easy then there wouldn’t be a target in the first place. Then why do you need a target?

There is a target which is why there is an arr-ow, to this, there must be an Archer and his bow🏹 … hence there is an arrow.


So, are you an arr-ow now?

change is the new change
Tea Time Reads!

If you ask me does life change or time changes, I don’t know; as in both, there is a change in your present state.

The best part is (that) the life before has changed with time. So, technically, change is the new change!

You cannot avoid or run away from change. If you do that, then change will never be able to change you for better or worse.

Either you change, thee change your environment or change your path.

Change is inevitable!

Be the change or be ‘in’ the change…

It’s up to you to figure out.

Stop judging your past, present and maybe even the future for a change.

Change is powerful than a pandemic or a nuclear weapon.

Change can change you the way you think about a change.

Sometimes ‘YOU’ are the problem, hence change and see that change in yourself to know if you have changed for good or bad.

Best regards,

Mr. Changed…

Delicate Chocolate Cookies Easy Recipe
Tea Time Reads!

Alright, have you ever made chocolate cookies just like that? 

No! Then let’s make one…

Yes! Then let’s make one more…

Here is a modified easy chocolate cookie recipe that I just tried yesterday.

Ready? let’s do it…

Ingredients needed:-

#1) Sugar (finely powdered with a mixer/icing sugar) = 1½ Cup

#2) Salted Butter (liquid form – heat it to make it) = 1 Cup

#3) Egg = 2 Nos (duck eggs would be super tasty)

#4) Vanilla Essence = 2 TSP

#5) Flour = 2½ Cup

#6) Baking Soda = 1 TSP

Now comes the yummy part – 

#7) Cocoa powder (Hershey’s is what I tried) = 2TSP

#8) Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate = 1 Bar (50 Gms)

#9) Snickers Chocolate = 1 Bar (50 Gms)

Kitchen Accessories/Tools/Appliances Needed:-

#1} Electric Oven

#2} Butter Paper

#3} Oven Tray

#4} Electric Refrigerator

#5} Steel Hand Mixer

#6} Ice Cream Scoop Spoon

So you ready?

Here is the recipe to make that perfect Jubell’s Delicate Chocolate Cookies –

Start… Camera… Rollin 

Take a big ‘glass’ bowl 🥣 ditch-in the sugar and 🧂 salted butter🧈 liquid Mix-twist-turn well into a smooth 🍦 creamy form.

Then add in the 🥚🍳 eggs and vanilla essence keep mixing till it back to that creamy form.

Time to add flour and baking soda 🥤 mix-it to a doughy form. Yeah, you are getting there!

Choco time — think of that person for whom you are making this 🍪 cookie.

Thought of him/er yet, thinking?

Now shoot those broken 💔 chocolate 🍫 bars and powder into that bowl. Push a slow mix now – slowly so that your 💕 love pours out into it…

Chill the dough stuff in a refrigerator 🤣 for about 40 minutes.

You with me? Is it done?

Take out that bowl of dough ☺️ and start scooping it onto a butter papered oven tray 📤. Bake it for maximum 20 minutes at 180°C and watch the magic ✨ melt into that fine delicate mushy effortless cookie.

That’s all it takes – do have it with whatever you can find in your kitchen.

Am all ears now! 

Do let me know if this delicate chocolate cookies easy recipe didn’t work out 😂🤣🙄😁😉😭😅👍🍻🥂🧭🔥🙏🙌

Content is King SEO his Queen
Tea Time Reads!

Can content be a “single”💍 king?

Before we read, let us just re-spell it as c”O”ntent and not c”U”ntent. The correct sound while speaking should be as ‘O’ and not ‘U’!

I do not want you to change your perspective about – content. But think this for a moment. What if you wrote an amazing article post on your blog in 2018 and hardly anyone knew about it except for your friends as usual?

Then what if your article could upgrade somebody else’s life?

What if you missed that ‘bus‘ wherein — maybe ‘that‘ someone who would have read your article post might have hired you as the Head of Content for his/er company?

This is why I am against content being the king all alone.

Doesn’t he need a “Queen” like all other kings? 

Then who is his Queen👑?

Well, that’s correct, it’s none other than “SEO”!

She is his queen for sure, without the queen a king cannot win, not even in a chess game, true?

This is why just like the King and Queen – a mix of SEO and Content Writing is the best option to ensure you would not miss that bus nor train or even that flight. Almost everyone is in the race to get on the first page of Google search that too on the top three list at least. Else you are less noticeable otherwise!

And like always if you are not on the front page then you are on that graveyard, where only very few visits on special occasions.

Hence even if you simply write and publish a yet-to-be-viral, King Content without SEO ‘ing(Queen) the content in such a fashion that the robots find your post/page on a jiffy while crawling through the WWW to show the results to that fantastic audience, where that somebody might get you to the next level of ranking beyond the search engines.

If your end result is influencing a customer to buy your product/service. Then your content is the only way to persuade them to click that call-to-action-button to convert into a sale. 

But this is possible only if your content is shown to the correct audience, right? 

And SEO can do that magic here. I have seen people publish out-of-the-world King content but fail to optimise (Queen SEO) it as per the search engines checklist.

No audience will ram into your content just like that. It has to be shown to them when they type in those keywords in the search engines. Hence, only if the search engines can interpret your content it would exhibit it to your audience. So you do not want the spiders/crawlers to miss your content. 

How can you optimize an article so that the robots scan it?

#1] Find A will-read, eye-hooking & emotional-atyachar Title for your article to lure the audience. 

If you crack this half of your worry is settled here. 

Use support tools like – SEOPressor Blog Title GeneratorShareThrough Headline AnalyzerHubSpot’s Blog Ideas GeneratorPortent’s Content Idea GeneratorTweak Your Biz and more learning, plus the local SEO tagging via Google My Business platform.

Don’t forget this – 3 Powerful Tools to Choose the Right Blog Topic Which You Probably Didn’t Know!

#2] Audience Keywords – how to know the most searched keywords.

Think like your audience, even you are one too, right?

You are also a consumer, so wear their shoes and start thinking from that point-O-view. If you are going to buy a product/service what keywords would you type on the google search or bing search or maybe where will you go first searching for other than those malls. What short or long keywords are generally used by people who surf the world wide web to find a specific product/service.

Use support tools like – GoogleTrendsKeywordTool.ioWordStream and more.

Don’t forget this – Never stuff too many keywords in your content, but try to use it effectively!

#3] Write a good piece of Meta Description, don’t just scribble!

As this is what the reader would understand after checking out your title as to what you have to offer for them in short. It is like a tiny summary of what the audience could achieve by clicking into your link. Now ain’t that serious?

Don’t forget this – You are writing content for your audience first and only second for the search engine. Hence do not be too curious about the meta description, but make it simple to read and understand!

#4] Give priority to add internal links first only with the relevant stuff, and then focus on getting external backlinks from the trustworthy websites again only with relevant classic interesting content.

When I say internal links – it should be other shielding content from your same website. Hope you got that?

And external links – well you got that, don’t you? {else let me know in the comments below for a happy backlink}

Don’t forget this – Any backlink you add must and should be trustworthy and have authentic read-worthy content!

#5] An image that would speak about your content and catch the readers attention should be one highlight of your article.

Research says that an article with an image would get 70% more click than one without. Well, I am sure you clicked into this blog post by seeing the feature image, right? {Let me know otherwise, I would love to change it right away}

Don’t forget this – Never use an image with copyright, there is a heck lot of free images available on the web. Tag your keyword as the ALT text, resize the image for clarity and visibility.

#6] Can your content be read on the mobile phone?

Latest trends reveal that the audience is mostly consuming content via a mobile platform. So is your content/website mobile responsive else AMP it, else you would lose traffic.

Don’t forget this – Your content must be readable from any platform – Desktop/laptop, tablet, mobile and even on the TV! Hope you got what I meant? 

#7] SSL certification, Reading time, Author details and Call-to-action?

Do ensure that your content is safe for the visitors by double-checking if your website is SSL certified. Let know the audience about the estimated time required to read your article, this would ensure they stick around for some time at least. 

Don’t forget this – Why do you write amazing content to attract those bees into your domain, duh? End the read with the next step of action the reader should consider. Whether to buy your product/service or just even to subscribe to your newsletter for future sales. This is one of the best lead generation technique I have bumped into so far. Yes, that’s what digital marketing is all about, what’s your catch?

Just to let you know, I experimented content optimisation for search engines with a lot of plugins to see if it actually works, to check if the “most talked about” SEO Content Writing was real!

Hence narrowed into the below brain freezing list and bang 💥I got stars⭐ in my eyes🤩.


can seriously boost you with the math to rank your content up there even with the free version.

RankMath SEO Plugin
RankMath SEO Plugin

The best part is their easy to use interface. Extremely easy, even a baby could play it! There is also an option to add more than one set of focused keywords with crucial support on the schema markup, unlike the free version of Yoast plugin. And comes the ultimate part, their Co-Founder – Bhanu Ahluwalia replies to your emails, now ain’t that cool?

#2) YOAST — 

can really toast your content and cook it up as the best breakfast for the crawlers.

Yoast SEO Plugin
Yoast SEO Plugin

But I found it a bit difficult to use when it comes to tagging the focused keywords as it doesn’t allow long-tail keywords {Guess only the Pro Version would allow this}. Am working on this to find out more if it actually missed something in between. But then this plugin is much heavier in size with a better user-friendly readability check, unlike RankMath.


can juggle your content into an SEO garnished pudding in 20 minutes. Yes, you heard it that’s all it takes!

SmarCrawl SEO Plugin
SmarCrawl SEO Plugin

This plugin also allows you to integrate your stuff with the MOZ SEO tools, unlike Yoast or RankMath moreover especially the former throws in an error notification on WordPress “stating to remove other installed SEO plugins“, ain’t that cute?  

The Conclusion ‘Returns’ – 

So if content is the king then SEO is unquestionably the queen.

Don’t forget this – Try using one of the plugins mentioned above and learn to optimise your content into Robot readable format after it is human appealing.

Would love to discover your thoughts from the </comments>🔊 section!

PS: #mustreads on <King> Content Writing & SEO </Queen> collage

The Ultimate Guide To Content Creation Strategy by Sharmeen

A Deep Dive into Know-That-Basics of SEO by SVN Prasad

Must-Know: Tips to Become a Pro in Content Writing by Divya Subramanian

Get ‘High’ With SEO – At Page Rankings by Rashmi Nambiar

best annual medical checkup
Tea Time Reads!

My insurance policy plan has an annual medical checkup. Wow!

What a facility — and it’s free…

I was at the check-up center today and saw something unusual. I felt a thunderbolt in my head.

There was an unrealistic huge line of people outside the spot. I was concerned and was confused if I should go in. But then my medical checkup was free and I didn’t want to miss it because I have paid a big annual premium amount for it.

In my wait, I saw that an elderly doctor was taking the temperature🌡️ of the people in the queue, well I thought that was part of the current protocol. But when it happened I couldn’t stop my emotions. My heart was heavy and eyes full. The said doctor was handing over food packets to the crowd gathered in front of the checkup center.

While I was there for a free annual medical checkup, they were there for a one time meal.

I felt an unusual emotion creeping up — a mix of sadness with a pinch of anxiety.

Anxiety for the fact that even after 10+ years of a professional brawl in mighty corporate companies — what the f#ck have I done for my society?

What have I done ✅ for anyone else alive other than pacifying them with words of encouragement and motivating them to just move on in life?

A pacifier is not what people need at all times.

But someone “who” could help them with a one-time meal.

What the f#ck am I doing with my life.

Yes, I am selfish.

Yes, blind I am.

Yes, it’s time…

PS: I tried these and it’s just too good to share!

Beardo [CPS] IN

Bodyshop [CPV] IN

Pharmeasy [CPS] IN

author introduction of antony williams
Tea Time Reads!

Now it is my turn to blow out an author Introduction — Antony Williams Vadassery

Since 2007 I am predominantly in the Banking and Financial Services industry, and in 2018 I cracked into the high-paced Wealth Management industry (the scene was almost close to the wolf of Wall Street movie). I succeeded to get opportunities to work in sales, service, and operations in both industries. In my journey, I figured out that customers and employees are equally important. Therefore, I regularly took utmost care while drafting emails to them(Grammarly was banned at work). Even though the grammar and spell check was outrageous in MS-outlook. I survived to make an impression with my improving business communication skills. I learned by writing and was going good but not getting better though.

That’s when this pandemic happened and work-from-home started shredding my time off.

When the option of stepping out for a ride(cycle) stopped because of the spike in numbers. I was forced back with books as a stress buster other than working-out to show off on Instagram posts (🤣later deleted those pics when my folks saw it and thought that I was losing sanity)

And now in 2020 is when I read a book… really reading happened after 8 long years (I sound like one of those celebrities saying I am back into movies after a break). When I say reading, not reading the policies, procedures, market updates, or new rules & regulations in the financial industry. But seriously reading books right from fiction, non-fiction, self-help, growth hacks, and on. 

I was knocked to realize that my writing flared up(reading impact). My colleagues started sending me their drafts for editing (lol) I had extended working hours now. 

Then came that day of reckoning – 01.04.2020

It was April fool’s day, and I was extra prepared, especially for my close friends to throw that prank at me. But this time, I was in no mood of playing those usual pranks at anyone because of the present situation happening around the world. It was around 7 pm when a college friend who owns an Accounting Software business called me for help. I was sure that his intention was to celebrate the fool’s day with me. But then he was like – “Can you help me with content for my new website?”

I thought of rejecting the suggestion, but a voice within told me that I should give it a shot. The real challenge was the timings. My work schedule was as tight as a 28″ inch skinny jeans. So he gave me 4 days to pack up. I had plenty of questions in my mind as to where/how/what to start off with. That’s when I surfed around reading the ‘about us’ web pages of similar and different businesses to better understand the content. 

To this, I drafted out samples and shared them with my friend a day before the TAT. The best part about content building is that you can’t replicate the text, that would be a shame. But the idea/objective could be matched to obtain your goal. 

Well two day’s after my 1st ever-critical content writing gig I get my calling, but this time through the same college friend. He said “buddy, would you like to be a part-time content writer for an agency”. I was frozen first. He said, “the website developing agency is super impressed and wants you to be their content writer in your extra time”. Those words struck me like a thunderbolt

That was the first time I got a job offer since 2007 from someone after reviewing my work. That was bang bang!

I felt confident but not carried. Hence decided that it’s time to explore & conquer (just like that game ‘age of empires’). And that is when I collided on www with digital marketing (am a DDIP batch-4 Student now). My journey is now on to become an established SEO Content Writer for the micro-businesses and attain the vivid skills of acute copywriting syndrome by learning from creative content writers like you.

Thank you very much for your time reading.

Cheers - That was an Author Introduction of Antony Williams

PS: Check out my yet to be viral post on –

#1) How to find that error free #Banking career

#2) Can you be like water?

PPS: What the Duck Is SEO & How Does It Work? – By Sanjay Shenoy

How to cure that Anxiety!

How To Kill That Mocking #Anxiety!

Tea Time Reads!

WoW, I just got a bullet in my head reading this!

Anxiety — the only word in the dictionary that makes you anxious reading “it”…

“he felt a surge of anxiety”

Palms lost its grip and became sweaty. The heartbeat was unusual. If I close my eyes it felt like the world was revolving around me faster than usual. Head was heavy, hands were light as a feather. The vision was shaky while walking and it felt like I was drunk. The headache was unimaginably strong and it seems like blood pressure shot up. Can’t close my eyes nor keep focusing. Felt as if I was standing in the middle of a volcano 🌋 and a tsunami 🏝️ wave.

this is an example of an anxiety attack.

So how can you cure anxiety permanently?

I have helped “friends” come out off “it” by getting into “it”, hence could feel the beat & heat better now. The trick in killing “it” was simple but to perform “it” wasn’t.

Formal Anxiety = fear of failure + what others could think about you + not taking an action on time.

The only pill to cure “it” could be — to make your confidant fight “it” for you.


PS: These #amazing blog posts on:-

8 Effective Ways to Fight Anxiety Without Drugs – Healthline

How to Fight Anxiety Without Medication – Pzizz

Natural Anxiety Relief: 7 Ways to Treat Anxiety Without…

how to chose the right web hosting plan?

How To Choose That Perfect Web #Hosting Plan Which Will Really #Host You!

Tea Time Reads!

Hello, I could see a rain of thoughts on “How to choose the right web #hosting plan” on social media, guess this could help —

Cost-effective? or Service effective?

We have tons of “cheap” to “unrealistic” hosting plans with amazing speed. But don’t forget to check for the customer reviews about their services as it’s damn important. The host’s response time matters a lot, as none can wait for a day’s TAT in reality, when it comes to resolutions & solutions plus 24/7 chat support.

If you think the hosting plan cost is going to burn a hole in your pocket while opting for a 1 to 3-year subscription, then stop, why worry — just get a plan with a monthly payment option as you are getting this started for your internship project/Digital Marketing journey, right?

But if you are extremely real & serious about setting up your blog or an eCommerce site, still why worry just get a low-cost plan but with decent service support from any hosting platform. The hosting plan comes with a wide variety of monthly & yearly payments.

Don’t forget to buy your domain name before, as it’s as important as buying any property in Town!

So stop worrying too much about the hosting plan as you can change the Hosting plan anytime in the future, this is not like Marriage at least…

don't forget to buy a good bat before stepping out to bat! 
Just like that - How to choose the right web hosting plan

So don’t wait for your turn to ‘bat’, and realize that you forgot to buy a cricket ‘bat’!

PS: I have shared some options for you on the best hosting plans below, do click & surf

PPS: #mustcheck #amazinfo

Host Your Website with AWS – Free Website Hosting Offers

#5 Expert Tips: How to Choose a Web Host & Top 6 Services.

WPX Hosting?

Review: Super Fast Managed Hosting For WordPress!

Best Hosting Plans @

save water save life
Tea Time Reads!

Water… an amazing element of this planet.

Can you kill water?

Can you hurt water emotionally?

Can you make water cry?

lol 🤣, let me know if you can!

So be like water, it evaporates but comes back into the same form again… does it die and comes back to life again?

Be like water, let the negativity flooded mind of sorrows and sadness float on you but not drain you.

Be like water, fire can only float on it that too with the help of kerosene/oil. Fire can’t defeat water but water can!

Be like water, it does think about the past nor future but recreates and helps the present.

Be like water, it sustains life and supports growth.

Be like water, and be like water to everyone so that even water becomes like you!

So… just be like </water>

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