Kick Starting A Banking Career
Tea Time Reads!

Are you searching for an opportunity to kick-start a career in banking… seriously? 

Hold on, Wait, read this first before you kick-start a thought!

Back in 2007, getting a job or starting a career in the banking industry was easier. You really think so?

Well, not really, it was as tough as today’s competition was, and even better in the sense that 6 out of 10 parents wanted their children to get into a bank. Why?

Because of job security, low-pressure job…. and “pension” that is if your fate lands you into a career in public sector bank.

That was really a myth then, now, and in the future.

          After the launch of NPS(National Pension Scheme), it has become the government’s responsibility to pay pension. I hope that strongly happens!

Well, don’t worry opportunities are always looking GREEN on the other side.

Before you think about the psychological and emotional factors of riding a banking career here are 7 “X” factors that I want you to know about before making the check move — 


1) Did you think – this Job was easy to get? 

True from one angle, as a career in banking is an easy catch for a fresher with good financial knowledge and decent inter-personal skills. Even if the former isn’t that good, still a fresher can crack the interview almost smoothly. But the absolute truth is that an abnormal recruiter also analyzes your stress handling ability and most importantly your communication skills. 

A banker should be an amazing listner, who could solve a customer’s problem and in turn crack revenue at the end of their conversation.


2) Are you doing this because you think this is the safest career available at present?

Okay, am not going to scare you. But I have seen people getting pink-slips because of their negligence while executing financial transactions, ignorant of the latest bank policies, insensible client interactions as more. 

Hence you have major two risks involved in the banking career:— 

#a) Financial and 

#b) Legal

You need sharp eyes, big ears, a sensitive nose, a brave tongue, and a strategic brain to survive. Else your ride wouldn’t be memorable!

3) Did you choose – this career because your peer applied for this?

Your peers are just like you, yet to be professionals, so don’t run the same way they do. Try walking a path of your own!

4) Did you choose – this job because it is the only opportunity you got in a campus selection?

Well, that’s a coincidence!

Most of the banks started liking this mode of cost-effective recruitment, blame the highly paid HR lodestones for this. I agree that an HR Manager is the main person of recruiting a candidate in their company, but trust me they are not the best people when it comes to explaining a job role to you.

Now listen very carefully — do perform well in the interview with the HR manager, but don’t trust them completely. If the demand is high and the cost of hiring a candidate is attained for the said job role. Then ‘run’ you are their prey now! Do a re-check about your job role, how? 

Easy, use a professional networking channel like the ‘linkedIn’ to revalidate your job role and ready to get stunned!

5) Have you ever gone to a bank?

It’s important to know your new neighborhood before buying a house there – is an old saying. But nearly effective, do visit a bank where your parents have an account and get ready for some mind-blowing truths. I assume you figured out why I said this…

6) Open an account with a bank first! 

Get your account in the most popular but the nearest bank in your area. “Know your prayers better for the right purpose” — proverb would suite better here. Doing this will give you a general awareness of what ‘banking’ is!

And finally, my favorite —

7) Did your parents/teacher/mentor who are non-bankers advise you?

I thought that as much, this is the most popular question I get from banking aspirants, people like you who are at times driven by one PowerPoint, an idol, or even a mentor in front of you. Absolutely, nothing wrong in listening to them, but what if you could get some feedback from someone who has “been-there”. Yeah, you guessed it right – a banker himself. 

And here is your surprise am that person who would love to listen and speak to you more. 

Yes, I am that ‘you’ 13 years backward in time. I am an “unexpected banker” by profession! Been there and done all that…

When I stepped into your “banking career”… 

There were only two choices — 

A public sector bank or A private sector bank.

Into Retail Banking Operations or Into Retail Banking Sales…

Sounds like some weird job at a retail store 😂 right?

Close, but not that yet!

Retail Banking – is nothing but your daily banking business to the general public. Simple!

And the basic job roles available in a bank branch unlike then are:-

From Operations Point-Of-View in a flagship branch office!

#1] Branch Operations Manager

#2] Teller – Cashier

#3] Customer Service Executive

#4] Lobby Manager

#5] Teller – Transactions Initiator

#6] Teller – Transaction Authoriser

#7] Outward Cheque Clearing Executive

#8] Inward Cheque Clearing Executive

#9] Phone Banking Officer

#10] Mobile Banking Activation Officer

#11] NetBanking Activation Officer

#12] Audit Officer

#13] Bank Statements Executive

#14] Forex Transaction Executive

#15] Trade Transaction Executive

#16] KYC and Accounts Opening Specialist

#17] Welcome Kit Custodian

#18] Locker Key Custodians

#19] Term and Fixed Deposit Specialist

#20] Customer Complaints and Grievance Redressal Specialist.

From Sales Point-Of-View in a flagship branch office!

#1] Branch Sales Manager

#2] Branch Head

#3] Savings Accounts Acquisition Executive

#4] Current Account Acquisition Executive

#5] Relationship Manager

#6] Account Activation Officer

#7] Trade Product Sales Manager

#8] Forex Product Sales Manager

#9] Cash Management System Sales Manager

#10] NRI Account Acquisition Executive

#11] Wealth Relationship Manager

#12] Wealth Advisor

#13] Insurance Advisor

Are some of the most core and crucial job roles available in retail banking apart from the other significant segments ahead. 

Since you have read this far I am convinced that you have understood the gist of the job roles mentioned above.

Now it’s your turn!

If you think this was a valuable 🥧 of information and want to share it with your friend in the same shoes — I won’t stop you from doing it!

But if you think this read was just the “tip of some iceberg” and want to know more about — “Banking Jobs and Where to Find them?”

Just scroll down a bit and fill-in your details in the FORM SHEET and you could get an E-Book about that HOT topic mentioned above absolutely FREE as soon as I launch it…

That’s right — For free, as I want you to earn this time!


The Unexpected Banker.

PS: Do check (find-your-personality) and (find-your-career-path) and (encyclopedia-of-digital-marketing) for more knowledge inflows.

PDS: Check out my “best-blog-post” on Here is 27 must check courses and career paths!

Thought, I Lost You

Tea Time Reads!

I was scared with a heavy heart, fear took over me when I saw you praying hard that night. I didn’t know about tomorrow as I didn’t even know about today. I was blank, those words were not coming. I wanted to tell you that I loved you more than anything thing else in my wish-list and that you were everything I always wanted from life. You filled the gap in my life, I couldn’t tell you this because the words weren’t speaking by itself. I wished it would have!

I never told you that whatever substantial I wanted to achieve in life is already done when you came into my life. But I have this journey that I have to go through before my soul reaches another body. I am learning to be better, maybe even to be the best to help those who are suffering to become better someday. But I haven’t forgotten about that yesterday I spent with you. Because from that night before your labor, I wished I had spent more deliberate time with you. I had this deep regret that yelled “hey, this is all you could do, own it, this is all you could do”. I wanted to tell you that the only girl who has really loved me in my whole life is you, and this I understood for sure.

Else you wouldn’t have come this far with me. I know there is no guarantee of anything tomorrow. But today there is a guarantee that I am with you.

“I have a rain of thoughts about you”.

You taught me to be a better human being.

After that night you brought “him” — our bundle of love to this planet. And proved it to me again — yes I wasn’t wrong, I never believed in soul-mates, still doesn’t. But I do believe in “souls meet” after I met you.

But wherever I am and whatever I become, I will never forget that night. That night when fear drove me away. But my dream to be with you brought me back to sanity. The wait outside was killing me inch by inch. Even tea was reluctant to go down my throat. I waited just to hear that you were alive. I waited to just see your eyes blink. The closed doors of the labor room made a gap in our worlds. A gap you had filled years back. You were just a door away, but I was a world apart. Time brought you, but I prayed that time doesn’t take you away.

                         I trusted no man, I trusted no time, I trusted no sign and I trusted no words. But I trusted God, as my time with you was not done yet. When it's done, I leave first and not you is the deal I made with the #### himself.

I changed, I Evolved and Transformed from the version Zero to the one now with your script.

My words were frozen then, but today my fingers are on fire.

I guess this is the fire I got from you. And I promise you that this fire will last till…

I traveled that extra mile to find that extra happiness until I found it that day and I realized that the happiness that I went searching that extra mile was with me from the 11th std at school.

To the sorrows, to the disappointments, to the tears, to the heart-breaks I had given you in exchange for your love. I promise to make you laugh forever from tomorrow morning with a kiss.

I promise to not make that bland promise; since you promised to be there till my last blink.

learn economics marketing sales
Tea Time Reads!

Have you heard the phrase “economics is the mother of all sciences even to digital marketing”?

It is true, in fact, physics could be the father!

If you figure out the basic ingredients that economics spills then rest should be duck-soup. 

“Economics is an enquiry into the factors that determines the wealth of a country”.

Adam Smith

That is why they say learn economics before stepping on marketing whether digital or otherwise!

Let’s say if you had opted for the commerce group in class 11th. Your teacher would have explained economics as a science that studies human behavior which aims at the allocation of scarce resources in such a way that consumers can maximize their satisfaction, producers can maximize their profits and society can maximize its social welfare. So economics is technically the study of the economy at local and global levels. 

Economics speaks about how the economy of a country exists, and where they are headed to and what they would achieve at a specific point in time. It is the study of how a society uses its resources to grow consciously. Hence, divided further into two – Macro & Microeconomics which in turn helps us in projecting a global and local view of the scenario the economy is currently moving through.

If you are targetting the audience worldwide, then global economics is what you need and vice versa if targetting a local audience. Using a pinch of economics dissolved in digital marketing one can find and connect to their end-users effectively. After all who wants to sell to the wrong audience by spending billions?

This also proves economics a tool to evaluate the value of currency{£¢€¥$} in any given scenario of an economy. 

Now to convert this so-called currency into your bank from your end-user, you need “Marketing”.

Agreed or?

Then tell me, is marketing the same as selling?

A picture on selling vs marketing via the economics of digital marketing

#Marketing isn’t #Selling

Both are two ends of the world but interlinked by a thin dotted invisible line, as both compliments each other very well. Without the former, you can’t sell efficiently and without the latter, you can’t finish marketing.


To make is lighter – let’s imagine Marketing is colored [white ] and selling in [red ]color. So what happens when you mix these colors? (Try it if you want to)

Well, you should get [pink] now… (Did you?)

Then let’s tag pink as the Returns/Profits in your business. Hence proved that if you Mix:

marketing plus selling via the economics of digital marketing
This is the Perfect Mojito.

Now there is a cost involved in both marketing and selling. From an accounting point of view, both are expenses in the profit and loss account ledger. But technically, because a mix of both ends up in revenue/profits/returns. The so-called cost involved actually evolves logically into an “INVESTMENT”. And this is why they casually say marketing and selling generated ROI(Return On Investment). The investment referred to is the cost involved in arriving at the ROI through the modes, tools, or techniques of marketing and selling.

How Is Marketing then different from Selling?

So let us go back, Marketing is a broader term it involves planning, budgeting, targetting, promoting, and reviewing the sales penetrated.

The concept of marketing focuses on the end user’s needs and requirements, and finally, the means to fulfil that need is discovered. This is focused on the theory of “demand and need-based selling”.

Besides, on the other hand, the concept of Selling focuses mainly on the requirements of the seller. Therefore it is an action that converts the existing/available goods/services into money. Sales is an aggressive leap, hence the customer’s genuine needs and satisfaction is taken for granted.

“Marketing is an investment that plunges super ROI”.



marketing selling Mix via economics of digital marketing
The Vicious Circle

Clearly, if marketing is a ‘spear’ to hit on profits, then communication is the ‘spear-head’ of it. 


Communication in this context simply means to Read, Hear, and Speak Marketing. Using marketing techniques to identify your target audience crowd. You must first know how to read, hear and speak into them to find out what they want and tell them what they need to reap your Profits. After all, it’s called need-based selling.

Irrespective of the language you communicate in, the objective here should be to understand what they need or to find out the right listeners who need your specific niche. 

So if you have read till now it means that we are at the same pace and page. And that I have found my right audience. Let me read ahead with you. 

Communication basically defines your objective of finding the right crowd to sell your goods/services via marketing tools. Without communication, marketing is like an Oreo biscuit without the mouth-watering cream between it.

      Imagine or just try and find out how that would taste. Won't you feel something missing, huh, right? 

Similar to the cream mentioned here, communication finishes or completes marketing. And it ends only when you receive feedback from your customers. That is when you could confirm that your communication with the end-user was successful. Only then a result in the form of a sale could be achieved. Hence communication bridges and connects marketing and selling. This proves that marketing was born before selling.

“Only when you communicate, you understand whether you can market something to sell; this is even true when it comes to relationships”. 

Not doing this right is why most products or services don’t reach nor last long. 

Example:- Campa cola and Citra. Have you tasted these? I have and these were my childhood chill time activities. But they are no more. Why? Because? These brands failed to connect consistently. They became invisible after Coca-cola and Pepsi started connecting (hear, speak, and read) and engaging better with their audience. These giants hooked their crowd’s mind better through different modes of communications then and now, hence the latter is still selling. I just had one yesterday!

Having crossed the words mode of communication instigates me to dive into the best mode of firing marketing techniques.

Am sure by now after figuring out economics you must have heard the viral term, “Digital Marketing”? 

If this is the digital era then what was Traditional Marketing --- Curious?
Traditional vs digital marketing via economics
Past Vs Present

#Digital Marketing Evolved from @Traditional Marketing

With the revolution of technology the reach of mankind has gone beyond “pluto”. Typewriters have become antique, books are slowly getting replaced by reading apps and pads, grocery offline purchases are being effectively migrated to online purchases, and even further picked and doorstep delivered contactless at home.

Dunzo, Swiggy Genie and Zomato Market are helping souls big time in this pandemic situation with their bang-on and praiseworthy contactless grocery deliveries.

Plus if you know a store and want to pick up something specific except liquor at some cities though, then must use Dunzo & Swiggy Genie

     Why is all this happening suddenly?

 I thought about it and the answer is – Well it had to happen someday. It saves a serious chunk of time and money. Things have come extremely far, that you can even get your clothes picked up and delivered back to your office after laundry and steam ironing. Incredible isn’t it? 

Convenience – has made man lazy…

No, I don’t think so…

Rather, this convenience has made humans kill un-productive jobs. 

Have you heard about the ROBO-VACCUM cleaner Vs The Maid Story?

Will you believe me, if I told you that a Robo-vacuum cleaner at home is slowly replacing the maid in most of the bling cosmopolitan capitals. This has even become a trending status quo or a status symbol.

I have heard those rich house-wives answering in posh English “oh, am at the spa while my Robo is cleaning the house”. 


The point is do you know who is promoting this and spreading this like a pandemic other than these ladies? 

Yeah, you guessed it right — it's our own digital marketers

Gone are those days, when I have heard or seen a Nike, Puma or Adidas ad on radio or TV. Even the hoardings or billboard ads have come down in time. Well, this is all the so-called Traditional Marketing!

If so, then what's the Digital form of it?

Let’s do a simple exercise and find out – Go to google search type ‘Buy Bicycle Online’ and you will see small size pictures of it on the right side of your web-page with price mostly plus the website name to buy. Okay?

Now after viewing this, click on any of those ads, don’t buy anything yet, and come outback, then surf through a couple of other interesting pages, blog or article pages probably, read or watch videos, and later shut down the device. 

Here comes your surprise!

Login after a couple of days to understand the simple economics of digital marketing and go surf anything else of your choice. And tell me this, did you see it, did it pop-up on you?

What? did it?

Obviously, if it did, then you would be stunned to notice that some ads of the bicycle you saw last time would be following you now, of course not haunting you, but something like a reminder – “hey you forgot to buy me, hey click that button now”; on almost everywhere on the web or even on the irrelevant website pages you surfed on. Well, this is what Google Adsense is all about!

Just like the other Digital ads via FB, Bing, Twitter, Inst, Pinterest, LinkedIn and so on. These are more or less the action of the digital platforms.

So, tell me which ads do you trust/follow now, the traditional or the digital ones?

Let us check for more information!

While the Digital mode of Marketing is what I like personally to refer best because of its reach, cost, and the result of simple economics. The Core Marketing objective remains constant in both.

That is why CATT Marketing is a bang-on dart on the bullseye. 

a picture of dart representing the economics of digital marketing

An engaging Content gains Attention,

and Attention ensures validation,

and validation confirms Trust,

and Trust raises the chance of Transaction, 

and Transaction results in a sale of a product/service to the end-user.


Bang, goal achieved! 

Well, it’s not that easy like it is mentioned above as there is a heck a lot of conscious effort to it. And after all these triggers are an opportunity to a second sale. If the product has exceptionally high utility it ensures that it creates feedback (another CATT) which will lead to another sale and go on again creating a vicious circle. 

So how do we adopt this — CATT?

CATT via the economics of digital marketing
Don't stop now, you have come this far to know about - Integration is the way to a beautiful CATT. And that is our next topic. 
(Take a break if you want to, but come back, this is going to be a short read now and I hope you are jotting all learnings down?)

#Integrating Marketing via Digital Hooks

Just picture this, you are a big affiliate and want to sell a product online. Now to promote this to your target audience, you have Emailed it, posted it on Social Media platforms, ran ads on Google and FB. Plus grabbed SEO for the attention of the crowd via organic search and tagged backlinks to your quality content created via the economics of digital marketing techniques.

Well, you have done it, you have hooked every medium and tool together, that is Integrated-Digital-Marketing. As only by doing all these collectively and effectively one can rim maximum profits.

And I am sure you would respond to me on this!

A picture of growth graph via economics of digital marketing
Have you ever heard a “NO” from someone while trying to sell a product or service, if so WHY?

The reasons could be:-

#1) No Demand.

#2) Zero Trust.

#3) Poor Quality.

#4) Not Price Effective.

#5) Better Stuff In The Market.

#6) No Reviews Or Feedbacks.

Well, as per me there is one more reason — BRAND!

In my 10yrs of hardcore sales & explosive marketing experience in the BFSI and Private Banking industry. Technically, logically, and practically I have figured out that people buy from you mostly if they know you, trust you, heard about you, or if you have been recommended by their peers or well-wishers.

I was once surprised when a client of mine referred me to one of his competitors! Now that’s the power of trust and not just branding…

Researched more on it and this is what I found out — An example: In the automobile industry, FIAT engines are being used by TATA and MARUTI SUZUKI in their premium cars. This is how trust is solidified in business.

Now let's check your trust instincts!

So then, you have decided to buy a BMW car. And you know that your brother and a best friend of yours have been using the said car for two years. But then, you get a call from a sales executive who says buy an AUDI car instead, as they have better, cheap, reliable and high utility unlimited offers and lifetime warranty. Whom would you trust and which car would you buy?

Now that was a deep insight on Personal Branding for you!

Hence, before you conclude, here is a free take away — Do you know behind the curtain in availing a loan from a bank? Not the paperwork to get the loan, but the technical stuff involved….. Do you?

Here is my catch — The loans, savings account, and fixed deposits given by the banks are technically managed by CRR, SLR, and REPO rates which is decided and regulated by the RBI according to our economic growth. The flow of money is a vicious circle. You take a loan from a bank and buy something from someone else, which in turn transfers the money from bank A to B and again back to bank C and so on in a rapid flow. Thereby debt creating a momentum of cash flowing in the economy even though no value is been added. And this goes on and on, so your DEBT creates another CREDIT for someone in accounting terms.

Let’s #Conclude For Now!

Understanding the logic of economics is the best way to find your audience via digital marketing. After finding them, to attract them you need engaging communication skills, and if you have mastered this then Marketing via Digital mode will be like duck-soup!

But wait, remember a bowl of duck-soup kept on a table can be best tasted if you add a personal branding with a trust note to it…. “Try it and I would love to hear your success story”.

a picture of turn symbol via economics of digital marketing

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Well then, don’t hesitate to hit the share button below right now!

Thank you, for your time and effort.

Until we read again…

21 Shocking Love Secrets About Guys That Will Make You Wild

21 Shocking Love Secrets About Guys That Will Make You Wild!

Tea Time Reads!

So you have to read all of them and trust me you will be shocked to know all these love secrets about guys, maybe if you are a GIRL that is.

*& 1 more thing please don't misunderstand nor misrepresent the facts said below as these are the point of views from different experiences of people around about some shocking love secrets inside a guy. We don’t have any proof nor facts to support these statements mentioned below to be true. Every reader is familiar with the typical fiction disclaimer. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. This is a work of fiction. Any semblance between original characters and real persons, living or dead, is coincidental. The author in no way represents the companies, corporations, or brands mentioned in this book. The likeness of historical/famous figures have been used fictitiously; the author does not speak for or represent these people. All opinions expressed in this book are the author’s, or fictional.

 1) Guys may be flirting around all day, but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about.

 2) Mostly guys are more emotional than you think, if they loved you at one point, it’ll take them a lot longer than you think to let you go, and it hurts every second that they try.

 3) Guys go crazy over a girl’s smile, now that’s a shocking love secret about a guy?

 4) A guy who likes you wants to be that “only” guy you talk to.

 5) Giving a guy a hanging message like “You know what?…uh…never mind“; would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking. And he’ll assume he did something wrong and he’ll obsess about it, trying to figure it out all day.

 6) If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don’t need to give a piece of advice. This is the best shocking love secret about that guy any girl must remember.

 7) One usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.


 9) Guys use words like hot or cute to describe girls. They rarely use beautiful or gorgeous. If a guy uses that, he loves you or likes you a whole heck of a lot. 

 10) If the guy does something stupid in front of the girl, he will think about it for the next couple of days or until the next time he spends time with the girl.

 11) If a guy looks unusually calm and laid back, he’s probably faking it and he is really thinking about something.

 12) When a guy says he is going crazy about the girl, he really is. Guys rarely say that.

 13) If at all a guy asks you to leave him alone, he’s just actually saying, “Please come closer and listen to me”.

 14) If a guy starts to talk seriously, listen to him. It doesn’t happen that often, so when it does, you know something’s up.

 15) When a guy looks at you for longer than a second, he’s definitely thinking something.

 16) Guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable decisions; and are MAD confusing, but somehow are drawn even more to them.

 17) A guy would give the world to be able to read a girl’s mind for a day.

 18) No guy can handle all his problems on his own. He’s just too stubborn to admit it.


       Just because ONE is RUDE doesn’t mean he represents ALL of them.


 21) Let us say if you had dumped a guy months ago and he loved you, he would probably still does and if he had one wish it would be you to come back into his life.

Ladies wake up some GUY Loves you…………… Madly!

So do you know </that> guy?

Up Next

17 Shocking Secrets About Love Is Blind Revealed – E!

10 shocking secrets about love guys wish girls knew – GirlsLife

100 Secrets about Guys – Wattpad

Tea Time Reads!

The year after chaos forces us to show him under the spotlight.

He is an Aries star-studded fiery ram, but not born from the sky.

He is no playboy who owns a mansion, but a philanthropist who owns an NGO in Congo for the needy.

He is no scientist who has invented a rocket, but a scientific human being who has invested in the welfare of his 1 million-plus employees Worldwide.

He is no celebrity who acts in the movies, but a simple writer with one bestseller in The Asian Age and one Jnanpith Award.

He is no politician to this economy, but a politician of love.

He is no lifesaver, but a life motivator and a growth hacker who spreads the urge to live life to the fullest via his blog

He invites famous publicity stunts for charity and to celebrate the unsung heroes.

He is no billionaire but shares air space with billions of micro start-ups.

His bang-on idea & has not only increased job opportunities but a faith that there would be no pink slips ahead of time.

In an interview with #WIRED, when asked if he was the richest man in India, he replied, ” Please ask my wife!”

Now comes the part where we got blown away. The maximum age of a full-time employee in his company is 27, but yes, he has part-time & freelance consultants & leaders in the age group of 40 to 60.

He is also a consulting chief in ____, ____, and the rest is history.

His first priority is fitness, both mental and physical; hence, he has made access free to _______ gyms by _______ foundation in 7 locations worldwide for his employees and their families.

The productive hours in his company are in two slots – 7 am to 2 pm and 4 pm to 11 pm; late sitters will have a loss of pay for the extra time spent at the office, as the lights go off at sharp timings. There are remote work options, on-pay sabbatical leaves, re-employment, no bonds or notice periods, and no leave constraints for his employees. This ensures no room for office politics and work hackers.

Internal security is managed by and external by local bouncers.

He owns a 7-acre club in the heart of Amsterdam city, where the floor is permanently booked from 25th December to 1st January only for his friends, family, and colleagues every year.

He is hard to catch in April and invisible during new-years.

He is a workaholic but only at home (lol).

His favorite pastime is to go meet and travel with his besties scattered around the world in his ______ airlines & cruise ship every year in April.

His start wasn’t glorious and is still unknown as his Orkut, Hi5, Facebook, and LinkedIn accounts are no more, hence even wiki has only what we have to tell you.

He is concerned about others’ progress, so shares his failures regularly as blog posts in public, and filmmakers have made crores with it. To this, even his critics love him more in time.

He is every lady’s heart-throb but is the heart of only one.

A father, a brother, a son who is always available, but never a celeb who is in the limelight.

He dreams to be a part of the Justice League someday, but his goal –

He who helps another take a step & walk a mile, will walk a long time!


Yes, we call him Antony Williams Vadassery a.k.a AwV, but the others call him a brother from another father!

Source: From, The Editor in Chief - The R____ D____ (27.07.27).
pandemic situation
Tea Time Reads!

Sleepless nights, dead dreams, and a sinking feeling!

He thought that he would never make it back home.

December 2019, He was speaking to his friend in Germany, that’s when he first heard that name. He has heard that name before as he was a cerevisaphile. But little did he knew about the situation at the other side of the tunnel.

Home is where I belong, it’s been a year since I went there. It’s time to catch up with time again. He thought of the most valuable experience life has taught him. Home is where I have started my journey and that is the best place to re-start a new journey. I have failed infinite times in life, but then there was only one place to go back to, “home”!

I have been lost, broken, faithless, hopeless, confused, and petrified about the next. But home has dragged me along, solved my trance, and covered my soul from a nervous breakdown in life. Whenever I had wished for or dreamt about something, I have always got what I needed but not wanted!

“Son, when will I see you again, will you ever come back”?

Why should I go backward in life? Moreover, it’s my life, I have the liberty to decide what I should be doing and where I should be going. Why should I go back to where I started and ruin everything that I have built myself. All that I have conquered, all that I have experienced, all that I have profited in life to date. Why should I go back and kill the exposure that I have gained? Why should I go back, when my future is haunting me. Why, why, and why?

Because happiness and home start with the same letter.

Don’t give reasons for not doing something, but give reasons for doing something.

I resign, am going home to the place where I belong, where happiness is high. He resigned on the 7th of Jan 2020, and by the end of that month, there was a pandemic declared.

Uncle: Hey, how are you? will catch up for a “cup of coffee” before you leave!

He replied happily “sure uncle we must, you are next door, there is a lot of time before I leave, and here are the books that you gave me, thank you”.

For most people, grocery shopping is an unproductive activity. But for the others it’s an occasion, they plan a family activity, meet friends or at times even check out hot babes at their favorite or happening supermarket in the city. But now the situation was evolving in the lockdown. Hence, ordering groceries online wasn’t an interesting activity like before, as you had to wait for a day for the delivery. But now, amid this panic eating away all the prayers ever said, it was a lifesaver, and there was a queue for getting a slot to book a delivery because of the overload.

Panic, fear on one side and party mood, irresponsible behavior on the other. Common sense doesn’t evolve with age as they have predicted but happens only with experience and exposure to situations. Work from home and work at home was a juggle, but with his wife around, the circus was on. There wasn’t a crisis or a draught yet. But the pandemic was pushing limits. People learned cooking, yoga, fitness, and became vloggers. Schools went from teaching under a tree to online mode, education gained popularity on screen now. Writer’s found more time, but that coffee was forgotten. He forgot to have that coffee with the uncle. It wasn’t deliberate, but time drank it before.

The pandemic never gave him that chance!

He was in a rush to get back home, time was short, the panic was in the air, and lockdown behind his tail. He wanted his family to be safe, that was his priority. He didn’t want them no harm, as this was not the life that they deserved. It was his war against the growing unknown.

God, if it has to happen, then it should be me and only me that you want through it. It must be me who should be going through it and not anyone in my prayers.

They say, a miracle happens at the end of the cliff, I believe it, do you?

He was home after months of waiting, but without a scratch, immediately in quarantine away from the rest. I am back home after years, breathing still. And panic is not the best gift to give my loved-once, I don’t want to spread this, hence I am hiding from the rest. That night he slept peacefully not knowing the reality that was above him.

Secretary: Sorry to let you know that, your next-door neighbor, uncle is no more.

How, I didn’t even see him around for a month, what happened?

The coffee was purposely made to forget, as miracle had God’s actions.

It was a simple cup of coffee but never got the chance to drink. When he has had a million cup of coffee at least by now, he couldn’t drink that cup of coffee. That was impossible by now, as the pandemic took the uncle along.

That cup of coffee was there for ages but never got around.

So I must have that cup of coffee with you, only if you “wish” we could have it together someday, let’s survive this pandemic for that sake at least!

Disclaimer* This is an inspiration from real-life experiences and not a publicity stunt, not intended for hurting any persons/religious sentiments, this is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. I have tried to recreate events, locales and conversations from my memories of them. In order to maintain their anonymity in some instances I have changed the names of individuals and places, I may have changed some identifying characteristics and details such as physical properties, occupations and places of residence. This post is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of physicians. The reader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to his/her health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. 

Stay safe, spread safety, and not…

college life memories
Tea Time Reads!

From a memory flash: I just realized now that college wasn’t a part of my life but I was a part of it, and that college didn’t happen to me, I happen to get into this college and so everything happened not because of some reason but because of the reason being me.

I drive this life but I don’t think I know the way and that there is something else out there that shows me the way I should see, the way I should go and the way I should take.

Maybe I am wrong or maybe am right, but the truth is that I do not know it until I cross that time.

Momentarily you know where you have reached in life, will you go back to those college days again if given a chance, what if you could win that basketball match again, what if you get a chance to tell her that, will you do it, will you take a chance to go back to those days, if you could?

time against time
Tea Time Reads!

[6/22, 00:24] Antony Williams: There was a time when I prayed daily that time must stop at times…. It also needs a break, where the fack is it running off to, what is it chasing, me, you, them and who and what else, the next would happen anyways, so stop time for some time, why oh why should it run, and why wouldn’t it give me time to sync in and feel the time am into, the rain I missed, the love I missed, the friends I missed, and at the end the time I missed in time…..

Time do you have any idea as to what you are doing to my time in life?

[6/22, 00:25] Antony Williams: Damn time, you just made me write all this in time!

Top 27 careers to chase after BCom in India
Tea Time Reads!

Here is 27 must check top careers after Bcom in India!

Before we start a disclaimer* I do not consult for or on behalf of or have any direct tie-ups with educational institution/university/college/society, nor am I an authorised career guide/coach. This post has been made with my 14years+ of experience in the financial industry and real life facts/analysis that I figured out from real life mentors/friends/relatives/colleagues, hence to support these facts I have tagged some very interesting external links/affiliate ads banners for additional reference/guide. This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions represented in this blog are personal and belong solely to the blog owner and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. None of the authors, contributors, administrators, vandals, or anyone else connected with, in any way whatsoever, can be responsible for your use of the information contained in or linked from these web pages. [The author] assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this site. The information contained in this site is provided on an "as is" basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or timeliness. Request you to note and not misunderstand the content/objective of this post, and I would be really happy to delete any content, that is, if someone states/proves that there is irrelevant/sensitive promotional content/information in this post,thank you for your time,this read will help you when the days turn against you!

Well, coming back to the headline: The Top Careers After BCom in India, that I had encountered sometime in the past. Luckily, I took the advice of a few experienced sensible souls around me, hence this post might be helpful.

Unfortunately, if you are having sleepless nights in India especially answering people around as to what careers you were planning to do after completing a Bcom (Bachelor of Commerce) degree, don’t worry you are not alone. I have been in that trance too!

????10 years back BCom was called “Below Common Sense”. Funny, seriously? 

That’s no joke man, its 3 years of cramming and achieving a beginner status. Bcom (being still a bachelor and on the way up to get married) truly is a step-up on the ladder hierarchy of the world’s highest-paying careers at least in India. More than the person who has completed the Bcom degree, it’s usually the people around him/her who are always curious to know what they are planning to do after Bcom? What career was he/she going to choose after BCom?

Well, before spotting options, what any BCom grad must know is – what is that you want ahead, obviously high salary, a mansion, a sports car, access to high profile clubs & so on…right?

So now you have 2 options – get all the fantasy mentioned above by loving what you do or still get all stated above by cribbing/sobbing/hating what you do!

Just listen to your beat and follow your heart first on this; don’t jump into any conclusions yet.

This is getting hotter so lets read on…

????We are in 2020 a testing time and living with a pandemic still unknown to mankind, every day is a “hope of prayers that someone would find a cure soon”. Am sure you would have seen the viral news about people getting into the rat race of “up-skilling” and that, surprisingly even the topmost universities you have ever dreamt of getting an admission, has come up with paid and free online courses, live classes, workshops, certifications and even internships which one could finish at your own peace and pace.

This is all the pandemic effect, wherein even education is at a risk of survival.

Let’s face it: The fact is a majority of the employers are less looking for applicants from top universities, with high degrees but are looking for resources who have the ability/required skills/experience to scale up their business from day Zero because of the cost concern. So how do you fit into this?

Let’s do this, ready?

????First, follow the two options written in blue above first, and then here are some dark tips to decode and identify your routeway after

a)     Step Zero: Before deciding to take up any course/certification program, find out what the job role it leads to next, salary, job responsibilities, working hours, growth ahead, global exposure, and most importantly what the network is like.

b)     Step One: Once you have rounded off and decided what career/course to pursue. Wait! Check for reviews about the course/certification, the institution/university credentials, faculty profile and you will be happy to see people’s ratings on your course as the best in industry and their success stories after completing that specific course you were planning for. Stop, take my advice on this – “be double careful before going ahead”. So now, how do you re-check the credentials or validity of their reviews?

Simple – use social media to track down those people and the faculty who has given high votes/great reviews on your course and get ready to be stunned.

c)      Step Two: Finally, try to connect and find people who have completed or are pursuing the course that you have decided to pursue using social media platforms. This would give you a genuine understanding of what you can really achieve.

Top Rankers [CPA] IN

????So, here you go with the list of top careers after BCom in India.

1.        Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Everyone’s personal favorite topic, try not to opt for a general plain MBA or a specialization directly, rather do an MBA that covers/gives you exposure to maximum topics across industries. This is truly a one-jump ticket into the banking industry. Just like the one mentioned below here.

Check out an MBA with global exposure and the highest fee waiver if you use this unique referral code – ANTO585

2.        Chartered Accountancy (CA).

This course should be noted as demand/supply patience testing time. But the outcome of this course is that you have options overloaded – start a firm solely,  partner with other CA firms, Consulting, advisor, get into big firms and wow!

3.        Company Secretary.

Most of them ignore this course as its again patience-testing like CA and the opportunities are similar to a CA. In fact, the difference is that this course has more to do with setting up a company/LLP firm.

4.        Master of Commerce (M.Com)

Haven’t heard anyone talking about this course since 2009 as its almost history, because this is an upgraded version of BCom, the job roles here are limited to little.

5.        Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)

It is stated as the highest level of international legal and regulatory recognition of finance-related qualifications. The Chartered Financial Analyst Program is a PG professional qualification offered internationally by the American-based CFA Institute to investment and financial professionals. This has a global recognition when compared to CA and is considered as the gold standard of professional credentials in the global investment community so far.

Lenovo India [CPS] IN

6.        Business Accounting and Taxation.

Buy the name itself this program is intensive and designed by Industry experts with a focus to help anyone become an Industry-ready accounting professional. It only requires a logical mind and a bit wide knowledge about accounting & latest taxation process if you follow and like accounting practice. 

7.        Certified Management Accountant.

This is globally recognized with a special object on corporate finance and management accounting. Certified Management Accountant is again a professional certification in management accounting and financial management fields. The certification states that the person possesses knowledge in the areas of financial planning, fin analysis, fin control, have the ability for decision support and has professional ethics in this regard.

8.        Certified Public Accounting.

Certified Public Accountant is a qualification in accounting again globally. It is parallel to the chartered accountant profession in India. In the US, the CPA is a license to provide accounting services to anyone.

Menakart Many GEOs

9.   Certified Financial Risk Manager.

The name speaks for itself, the job roles available are:-

  • Enterprise Risk Management.
  • Financial Risk Analyst/ Manager.
  • Investment Banking.
  • Stock Trading.
  • Wealth Management.
  • Investment Officer/ Asset Manager.
  • Corporate Compliance.
  • Audit.
10.      Integrated Financial Resource Management.

Stated as a framework to actively manage the “core” financial resources of capital, liquidity, revenues, costs and risks all at the same time. And is a rapidly growing profile in the banking industry, find out more?

11.      Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)

This is a professional membership body for chartered certified accountants globally any BCom grad could shoot at. This qualification is a membership requirement, that specific Ex-Big Corporate companies or MNC’s ask for working in accountancy related roles globally.

Some relevant job roles available are:-

  •              Auditor-Internal
  •              Accountant Forensic
  •              Officer-Compliance
  •              Chief Financial Officer
  •              Business Analyst
  •              Adviser Business Hack
  •              Risk Manager
  •              Treasurer
  •              Financial Analyst
12.      Certified Financial Planner (CFP).

This is an amazing profession and gives you the freedom of choice again just like CA does. The difference is you will be an authorised financial planner/advisor for individuals or large corporate. But this certification has a global value.

13.  Certificate in Investment Banking.

This is an expert and advanced level course in the path of investment banking. WW

14.  Bachelor of Education (B.Ed)/ Teaching/Trainer/Soft Skills Training at corporate channels/Social Work.

B.Ed, short for Bachelor of Education, is an undergraduate programme that one can pursue if he/she has a passion for teaching. It is a 2-year long programme that includes theoretical sessions as well as practical sessions in simulated and real-life classrooms. Completion of a bachelors programme in any stream is a prerequisite for applying for a B.Ed programme.

After completing B.Ed successfully, one can apply for teaching jobs in schools or work online on teaching platforms. It is to be noted that B.Ed gives the eligibility to teach high school students and not college students.  In order to teach college students, one must have completed M.Ed after B.ed and successfully passed the NET exam. This makes a person eligible for teaching B.Ed subjects in Teacher Training colleges.

Udacity [CPS] WW

15.  Learn Digital Marketing (Use referral code – ANTO585)

My favourite subject to click on and a bang on career after BCom especially in India. The simple definition like everyone says would be this is marketing digitally. Well but this profession is amazing as you learn more, explore more and discover more when you dive deeper. There are a million courses out there to get you job-ready but beware of less beneficial courses. Take free introduction courses by exploring the web, yet the correct way to learn it is by joining an internship for sure. To this, there are humongous opportunities like:-

  • Digital Marketing Manager/Specialist/Executive
  • Search Engine Optimizer
  • Digital Project Manager
  • Content Marketing Manager
  • Social Media Marketing Specialist
  • Paid Per Click Ads Expert
  • SEO Content Writer
  • Web Site Developer
  • Graphic Designer
  • Infograms Expert
  • UI/UX expert

And the best of all make your entry as a blogger and into the world of ecommerce. Very happening isn’t it?

16.   Financial Modelling.

Financial modelling is an architectural skill to build a mirage of a real-world financial scenario. This sounds like a math model constructed to represent the performance of a financial asset or portfolio of a business/company, real-time project, or any other financial investment.

17.  SAP.

This is nothing but an enterprise resource planning system software and the world’s leading provider of business software solutions and data processing platform. SAP is the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) backbone & lifeline system that enables to integrate all the existing modules in an organisation. It is a hybrid cloud model that can be induced into connecting any organisational structure across any industry.

Some the job profile variants that can be looked into are:-

  • SD-SAP (Sales and Distribution)
  • WM-SAP (Warehouse Management)
  • QM-SAP (Quality Management)
  • LIS-SAP (Logistics Information System)
  • HR-SAP (Human Resources)
  • Treasury Integration via SAP
  • SAP for Banking/Insurance
  • SAP for Ecommerce
  • CRM SAP (Customer Relationship Management)
  • SAP FICO (Financial Accounting and Controlling)
18. Logistics, Inventory, Warehousing and Supply Chain Management.

This supports big time in the world of eCommerce and end to end B2B, B2C deals.

19. Project Management/Project Management.

Another very interesting versatile, brainstorming, self-challenging, rapid growing, high risk, high pay, high profile and very realistically highly responsible role. Why so it’s in the name itself, well here the pathway is tough but very fruitful.

20. Chartered Wealth Manager.

This is a professional designation issued by the Global Academy of Finance and Management (GAFM). The certification is intended to state that the holder is qualified to advise, evaluate, analyse and has in-depth knowledge about the wealth-generating products in the investments world.

21. Business Analyst.

Business analytics is the process of collecting, sorting, processing, and studying raw business data, and using statistical models, graphs to prove and project insights if a process or a method can give optimum results for any business.

book24 RU

22. Advertising Courses. (get out of here & don’t even think about this as Google & FB Ads are the next thing in advertising learn the know-how via digital Marketing)

23. PG/PGDM/Diploma in Banking And Financial Services.

Well, this is a piece of add-on information in the banking sector, but a fresher can still apply after completing Bcom without further qualification via public recruitment tests/interviews in the banking industry as there are loads of options for newcomers.

24. Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Salesforce CRM & Cloud Computing Professional.

25. FreeLancer for more free time.

This is an amazing 100% satisfactory No boss job/career, you might struggle a lot in the beginning years, well who doesn’t?

There is a universe of options in freelancing, even your hobby can be converted into a high paying profession, eg: photography, language teaching, soft-skills training, painting/drawing, service assistant, Consulting/advisory, etc…

26. Data Science/Data Analytics. (Use referral code – ANTO585)

In the first place, this is an exotic way of pulling out knowledge and insights from structural and raw unstructured via scientific methods, complex processes, algorithms, math tools and systems. Data science connects to data mining, machine learning and big data.


Am a diehard fan of this, try building up an online store, sell products or services – digitally or physical goods. Drop-shipping, Affiliate or Discover a high demand yielding product and promote selling it. Ride, Earn, and Party Life…

Figure out “the you-inside-you” first before jumping into all this!

TALENT + PASSION = Profession? Entrepreneurship?

Watch this space for more information on certain careers after BCom in India, as I haven’t completed this much yet, because of a conflict in content. But I believe this would help you a small step ahead.

In the mean time check out some kick-ass Online Courses on Data Science, Digital Marketing, Product Management, Software Development or Business Management in this – Link (Use referral code – ANTO585) for high fee waivers.

To every B Com grad out there “Remember the power is yours”

Capt. Planet

PS: Do check out my yet-to-be-viral post on –

7 Urgent Situations To Investigate Before Kick-Starting Your Banking Career!

So then please don’t wait!

Just HIT that “star” button above below and let us know your “feelings” about the top careers after BCom in India!

waterfall of life

Why All this?

Tea Time Reads!

Its said that when its time the world will know!

Forward in time along the journey of life, I came across, spoke, heard, and met very unique people from different parts of this planet. The best part was they all had to say and ask one common question – “what the heck is my purpose in life, why am I here now, what is the objective, what is my mission?”

Well, trust me I could never reply to any of those “Qs” because I myself is in the search of it since 1985. And now the purpose of this blog is to connect the world into this chain of truth I wish to find someday.

Will I find it?

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